Hi all,

We are currently implementing the token revocation endpoint (RFC 7009)
on our authorization server and do not understand why it requires
client authentication. When a party (a valid client or not) gets hold
of a valid access token in whatever way, the least damaging it could
do with it, is to revoke it. The current spec allows an attacker to
misuse this token for access to the resource server, but forbids it to
revoke it. This seems strange to me.

Section 5 of RFC 7009 does not help in this either. It starts to
explain that this authentication is needed to prevent malicious
clients from guessing tokens, but ends with the fact that if this were
possible, much worse damage could be done by using the guessed token
on the resource server. We plan to skip the authentication all
together and simply revoke any valid token presented. How would you
recommend we deal with this?

Best regards,
Emond Papegaaij
Topicus KeyHub

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