Hi Filip,

Thanks for your answers!

I'm not quite sure if the wording in my question was clear: My main
concern is the difference between
i.e., the usage of the well-known URI as a postfix or as an infix.

Am 08.06.20 um 09:54 schrieb Filip Skokan:
> Some products publish both, but they don’t always return the same
> content, eventho as far as i can tell they should be aliases.
> The uri normalization of 8414 is also implemented wrong in some cases,
> since it differs from OIDC as far as issuer path component is concerned.
This is where I'm not sure whether all products follow RFC8414 and
properly use the well-known part as an infix.
> I find it best for AS to have just one or both with the same content,
> client software doing discovery can check both locations.

That would be the safe implementation, but I was wondering if
prescribing this is a good choice for an ecosystem. That would mean that
all authorization servers in the ecosystem would need to implement both
https://example.com/some/path/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server and
Even if it is only an alias this could mean a considerable overhead for
some implementations.


> Odesláno z iPhonu
>> 8. 6. 2020 v 9:46, Daniel Fett <f...@danielfett.de>:
>> Hi all,
>> RFC8414 says that the URI where the OAuth metadata document is
>> published is
>> formed by inserting a well-known URI string into the authorization
>>    server's issuer identifier between the host component and the path
>>    component, if any.  By default, the well-known URI string used is
>>    "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server".
>> I found that some OAuth servers and clients instead follow the
>> convention used by OpenID Connect, where the suffix
>> "/.well-known/openid-configuration" (or
>> "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server") is appended to the issuer URL.
>> Is this a common deviation from the spec?
>> Do you know how specific products handle this?
>> Does it make sense to serve the metadata document from both locations?
>> -Daniel
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