I get your frustration with PKCE. It would be a bad policy and example
to burden compliant ASes with additional stuff just because a few AS
implementations are not complying with the spec. It's not fair and can
end up creating all sorts of bad incentives in future.


On 22/04/2020 10:29, Neil Madden wrote:
> Section 3.1 of RFC 6749 says (of the authorization endpoint):
> The authorization server MUST ignore
>    unrecognized request parameters.
> We hoped to be able to use this to opportunistically apply PKCE -
> always send a code_challenge in the hope that the AS supports it and
> there should be no harm if it doesn’t. 
> Sadly I learned yesterday of yet another public AS that fails hard if
> the request contains unrecognised parameters. It appears this part of
> the spec is widely ignored. 
> Given that this hampers the ability to add new request parameters in
> future, do we need our own GREASE to prevent these joints rusting tight?
> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8701.html 
> <https://www..rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8701.html>
> — Neil

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