I have three concerns, two of them being related to privacy.

1) Privacy has not really been a concern in the WG since originally the AT and the RS were co-located. However, this draft now recognizes that there may exist cases where "the authorization server and resource server are not co-located, are not ran by the same entity,
or are otherwise separated by some boundary".

*In such cases*, it is important to be able to make sure that an authorization server will NOT be able to know where the authorizations tokens that it issues will be used. Using another wording, an AS SHALL NOT be able to know where an AT requested by a given client will be used: *Authorization servers SHALL not have the **capability to act as "Big Brother"* and thus SHALL not be able to know which resources are going
to be accessed by clients.

This means that, in such cases, an authorization server SHALL not be able to know for which resource server an AT has been targeted.

It is a fact that most solutions currently deployed support a built-in *"Spy by desig**n"* architecture instead of a *"Privacy by design"* architecture.

However, for security reasons an AT still needs to be targeted.

The problem to be solved is the following:

 * for security reasons, the AT must be targeted.
 * for privacy reasons, the AS must be kept ignorant of the name of the

One way to solve the problem is to consider that the AT is composed of a sequence of two structures: a signed structure and an unsigned structure.

The signed structure contains a "salted aud claim".
The unsigned structure contains a "aud salt claim".

In practice, the "salted aud claim" will be composed of both a one way hash function algorithm identifier and a hash value.

Before requesting an AT to an AS, the client chooses a resource server and select a resource indicator value corresponding to the identifier the resource server. It then chooses a random value which it uses as a "aud salt claim" and then computes a hash value by using a one-way hash function which combines one of the resource indicators of the RS with the "aud salt claim". Both the one way hash function algorithm identifier and the computed  hash value
are then included into the "salted aud claim".

The AT request then contains a "salted aud claim" instead of an"aud claim". The AT blindly copies this value into the AT which is then identified as
a "salted aud claim" instead of an "aud claim".

When the AT is received by the client, it adds to the AT the unsigned part to the AT which contains the "aud salt claim" and sends both the signed
and the unsigned part of the AT to the RS.

When the RS receives the AT, using the one way hash function algorithm identifier contained in the "salted aud claim", it combines each of its resource indicators with the "aud salt claim" contained in the unsigned part of the AT and verifies whether it matches with the hash value contained in the "salted aud claim". If none of these resource indicators is providing a match, then the RS SHALL rejected the AT.

The implication is to allow an AT to contain both a signed part and an unsigned part.

In addition, the "aud claim" should be multi-valued where, as a consequence, both the "salted aud claim" with the "aud salt claim" would also be multi-valued.

2) Within clause 6, "Privacy Considerations", the text states:

As JWT access tokens carry information by value, it now becomes
possible for requestors and receivers to directly peek inside the
token claims collection.The client MUST NOT inspect the content of
the access token: the authorization server and the resource server
might decide to change token format at any time (...).

On the contrary, a client SHALL be able to inspect the content of the access token to make sure that the AS has not included in the AT some private information that should not be present, before forwarding the AT to the RS. It is possible for an AS to change the format of the AT, but the RS will not necessarily be in synch
with the RS.

Since there are now cases where "the authorization server and resource server are not co-located, are not ran by the same entity, or are otherwise separated by some boundary", a key point is that an AS and a RS DO NOT necessarily need to know each other. The RS only needs to trust the AS. (full stop)

This means that an identifier of the profile of the AT should be able to be included into the AT. This allows for future extensions.

In any case, the "MUST NOT" in the quoted sentence should be removed or changed or the whole sentence should be removed..

3) Within clause 2.2.2 (second paragraph):

This profile does not introduce any mechanism for a client to
directly request the presence of specific claims in JWT access
tokens, as the authorization server can determine what additional
claims are required by a particular resource server by taking in
consideration the client_id of the client, the scope and the resource
parameters included in the request.

Allowing a client to only specify a scope and a resource is very restrictive.

What would be the title of an RFC that would allow the client to request the presence of specific claims in JWT access ?

If such a restriction is kept, would the current title of this RFC still be inappropriate
"JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens" ?


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