Hi Francis,

The Resource Owner Password Credentials grant is being deprecated in the
OAuth 2.0 Security BCP:


> The resource owner password credentials grant MUST NOT be used.

As this OAuth 2.1 draft is meant to consolidate the best practices across
the existing OAuth 2.0 documents, and is explicitly not intended to define
any new behavior that is not already in an adopted document, we can't
accept your suggestion of adding a new OTP-based grant in this document.

Aaron Parecki
@aaronpk <http://twitter.com/aaronpk>

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 2:59 PM Francis Pouatcha <f...@adorsys.de> wrote:

> As a replacement of RFC 6749 I am missing a "Direct Grant" with the same
> simplicity as the "Resource Owner Password Credentials" grant of RFC 6749.
> The reason is that browser redirects are too complex and most of the time
> badly implemented by small teams. For the sake of having SMEs use oAuth 2.1
> with their limited development capacities, I suggest keeping the simple 
> "Resource
> Owner Password Credentials" with an OTP replacing the permanent password.
> We also have sample implementations working on the market with OTP based 
> "Resource
> Owner Password Credentials" with full compatibility to RFC 6749.
> --
> Francis Pouatcha
> Co-Founder and Technical Lead at adorys
> https://adorsys-platform.de/solutions/
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