Section 4 talks about validating JWT Access Tokens

It has a list of things the RS MUST do when validating a request made
with a JWT access token. This section contains phrases like "...and
reject tokens..." and "MUST be rejected if...", without clear
instructions on *how* to reject this request. For these, I could infer
that the RFC6750 error code "invalid_token" is the correct response,
but these could benefit from being more explicit about that here.

Step 7 says:  "the resource server SHOULD check the auth_time value
and request re-authentication..." But there are no instructions on how
the RS should respond to indicate that the client should request
re-authentication. This sounds like a different response than
"invalid_token" to me, but in any case, regardless of what the correct
response is, Section 4 really needs a description of how to respond in
these error cases.

Aaron Parecki

OAuth mailing list

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