
Sorry for me answering in this direct manner instead of via the OAUTH mailing 
list or so.

I would like to point a practical issue out wrt the HTTP signature spec. I have 
got practical experience with the spec through my work for ING in our PSD2 
(European electronic banking scheme) platform. We have implemented this spec 
(cavage-10) in our platform as well. We experience lots of issues with 3rd 
party developers who have issues getting their code right. It is the 
canalisation that is troubling the adoption in practice. People are 
continuously making mistakes with setting up the payload for signatures / body 
This can only be solved by making available ready made libraries. That might be 
done through vendors and their solutions and one would encounter  probably less 
interoperability issues. 

However until then still troubles is what people have with this spec. Apart 
form that,  the spec is very much draft and as I understood from one of the 
draft members and still not security tested ands so perhaps still not secure.

Before one can adopt another spec into, in this case OAuth 2.0 it would be wise 
to tackle this first. While HTTP signing does help in better authenticating and 
safeguarding messages/token requests, this will make key management even more 

The risk that HTTP signing in OAUTH might mitigate, could very well be far 
easier solved by TLS 1.2 or 1.3. That is even better because the 
implementations are security tested (TLS 1.2 or depending on the 
supplier/implementer in the process of (TLS 1.3) due to their importance and 
can be implemented in a turn key manner. 

These are I believe important attention points that one might think over before 
extending the OAUTH 2.0 spec even further with perhaps too little gain?

Best regards,

Rob Cordes
Feature Engineer  / InfoSec specialist @ ING bank

> On 20 Jan 2020, at 18:33, Richard Backman, Annabelle 
> <richanna=40amazon....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> I would like to discuss HTTP Message Signatures 
> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richanna-http-message-signatures-00> as a 
> proof-of-possession mechanism for OAuth. A draft will be available (either as 
> an update to draft-ietf-oauth-signed-http-request or as a new individual 
> submission).
> – 
> Annabelle Richard Backman
> AWS Identity
> From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
> <rifaat.i...@gmail.com>
> Date: Monday, January 20, 2020 at 7:34 AM
> To: oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Topics for Vancouver
> All, 
> Please, let us know if you have any topics that you would like to present and 
> discuss in Vancouver.
> Regards,
>  Rifaat & Hannes
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> OAuth@ietf.org
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