I just want to add that the requirement to validate the request at PAR the same 
way as you would at the auth endpoint is something that I want to see relaxed, 
and I hope it doesn’t make it through to the final standard. 

Also keep in mind that this is barely started as a WG document so any 
requirement is soft at best. When discussing things like this, we should keep 
this in mind by discussing the consequences of having a phrase in there, not 
behaving as if things are unchangeable. 

 — Justin

> On Jan 6, 2020, at 4:59 PM, Richard Backman, Annabelle 
> <richanna=40amazon....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> The issue isn’t that the PAR endpoint needs access to one specific request 
> object decryption key that could reasonably be shared across AS endpoints, 
> but that it actually needs access to the private keys for all encryption 
> public keys in the JWK set pointed to by the AS’s jwks_uri metadata property. 
> Since there is no way to designate one particular key as the one to use for 
> encrypting request objects, clients may reasonably use any encryption public 
> key in the JWK set to encrypt a request object. As one example of how this 
> could expose sensitive data to the PAR endpoint, if the PAR endpoint has all 
> the decryption keys for the keys in the AS’s JWK set, it would be able to 
> decrypt ID Tokens sent in id_token_hint request parameters. As more and more 
> use cases develop for encrypting blobs for the AS, this issue will only get 
> worse.
> The PAR endpoint can’t simply stash the encrypted request object, as it is 
> required to verify the request, according to §2.1:
> The AS MUST process the request as follows:
> ...
> 3.  The AS MUST validate the request in the same way as at the
>           authorization endpoint. ...
> This language needs to be more flexible, IMHO, to allow for lightweight PAR 
> endpoints that may not have the information or authority needed to perform 
> all the validation that happens at the authorization endpoint. I need to 
> think about this more before I can say if it would adequately address my 
> concerns, but it’d be a good start and makes sense in its own right.
> I think it’s pretty risky for us to base decision on an assumption that no 
> one is going to need or want to encrypt pushed request objects, particularly 
> when they’re JWTs, and JWTs have well established support for encryption, and 
> encrypted JWTs are supported by pass-by-value in OIDC and 
> draft-ietf-oauth-jwsreq. But if you insist, here are a few examples for why 
> someone might want to do this:
> The request object is passed by reference, and accessible on the public 
> Internet.
> The request object contains sensitive transaction-related data in RAR 
> parameters that the client’s authN/authZ stack doesn’t need to have access to.
> The AS requires request object encryption to minimize exposure to the hosted 
> PAR endpoint service it uses.
> #2, but the threat vector is gaps in end-to-end TLS.
> Any of the above, but the concern is message integrity, and the AS requires 
> requested objects to be encrypted for confidentiality and integrity 
> protection and does not support signed request objects.
> – 
> Annabelle Richard Backman
> AWS Identity
> From: Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com 
> <mailto:neil.mad...@forgerock.com>>
> Date: Monday, January 6, 2020 at 6:29 AM
> To: Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com 
> <mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>>
> Cc: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <richa...@amazon.com 
> <mailto:richa...@amazon.com>>, Nat Sakimura <n...@sakimura.org 
> <mailto:n...@sakimura.org>>, Dave Tonge <dave.to...@moneyhub.com 
> <mailto:dave.to...@moneyhub.com>>, Torsten Lodderstedt 
> <tors...@lodderstedt.net <mailto:tors...@lodderstedt.net>>, oauth 
> <oauth@ietf.org <mailto:oauth@ietf.org>>
> Subject: [UNVERIFIED SENDER] Re: [OAUTH-WG] PAR metadata
> Agreed. 
> In addition, I'm not sure why the PAR endpoint would need access to the 
> decryption keys at all. If you're using encrypted request objects then the 
> PAR endpoint receives an encrypted JWT and then later makes the same (still 
> encrypted) JWT available to the authorization endpoint. If the PAR endpoint 
> is doing any kind of decryption or validation on behalf of the authorization 
> endpoint then they are clearly not in separate trust boundaries.
> -- Neil
>> On 6 Jan 2020, at 13:57, Brian Campbell 
>> <bcampbell=40pingidentity....@dmarc.ietf.org 
>> <mailto:bcampbell=40pingidentity....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:
>> I really struggle to see the assumption that an entity be able to use the 
>> same key to decrypt the same type of message ultimately intended for the 
>> same purpose as an artificial limit. The same general assumption   underlies 
>> everything else in OAuth/OIDC (Vladimir's post points to some but not all 
>> examples of such). There's no reason for PAR to make a one-off exception. 
>> And should there be some deployment specific reason that truly requires that 
>> kind of isolation, there are certainly implementation options that aren't 
>> compatibility-breaking. And having said all that, I'm honestly a little 
>> surprised anyone is thinking much about encrypted request objects with PAR 
>> as, at least with my limited imagination, there's not really a need for it.
>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 2:43 PM Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>> <richanna=40amazon....@dmarc.ietf.org <mailto:40amazon....@dmarc.ietf.org>> 
>> wrote:
>>> PAR introduces an added wrinkle for encrypted request objects: the PAR 
>>> endpoint and authorization endpoint may not have access to the same 
>>> cryptographic keys, even though they're both part of the "authorization 
>>> server." Since they're different endpoints with different roles, it's 
>>> reasonable to put them in separate trust boundaries. There is no way to 
>>> support this isolation with just a single "jwks_uri" metadata property.
>>> The two options that I see are:
>>> 1. Define a new par_jwks_uri metadata property.
>>> 2. Explicitly state that this separation is not supported.
>>> I strongly perfer #1 as it has a very minor impact on deployments that 
>>> don't care (i.e., they just set par_jwks_uri and jwks_uri to the same 
>>> value) and failing to support this trust boundary creates an artificial 
>>> limit on implementation architecture and could lead to 
>>> compatibility-breaking workarounds.
>>> – 
>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>> AWS Identity
>>> On 12/31/19, 8:07 AM, "OAuth on behalf of Torsten Lodderstedt" 
>>> <oauth-boun...@ietf.org <mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of 
>>> torsten=40lodderstedt....@dmarc.ietf.org 
>>> <mailto:40lodderstedt....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:
>>>     Hi Filip, 
>>>     > On 31. Dec 2019, at 16:22, Filip Skokan <panva...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:panva...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     > 
>>>     > I don't think we need a *_auth_method_* metadata for every endpoint 
>>> the client calls directly, none of the new specs defined these (e.g. device 
>>> authorization endpoint or CIBA), meaning they also didn't follow the scheme 
>>> from RFC 8414 where introspection and revocation got its own metadata. In 
>>> most cases the unfortunately named `token_endpoint_auth_method` and its 
>>> related metadata is what's used by clients for all direct calls anyway.
>>>     > 
>>>     > The same principle could be applied to signing (and encryption) 
>>> algorithms as well.
>>>     > 
>>>     > This I do not follow, auth methods and their signing is dealt with by 
>>> using `token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported` and 
>>> `token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported` - there's no encryption 
>>> for the `_jwt` client auth methods. 
>>>     > Unless it was meant to address the Request Object signing and 
>>> encryption metadata, which is defined and IANA registered by OIDC. PAR only 
>>> references JAR section 6.1 and 6.2 for decryption/signature validation and 
>>> these do not mention the metadata (e.g. request_object_signing_alg) anymore 
>>> since draft 07.
>>>     Dammed! You are so right. Sorry, I got confused somehow. 
>>>     > 
>>>     > PS: I also found this comment related to the same question about auth 
>>> metadata but for CIBA.
>>>     Thanks for sharing. 
>>>     > 
>>>     > Best,
>>>     > Filip
>>>     thanks,
>>>     Torsten. 
>>>     > 
>>>     > 
>>>     > On Tue, 31 Dec 2019 at 15:38, Torsten Lodderstedt 
>>> <tors...@lodderstedt.net <mailto:tors...@lodderstedt.net>> wrote:
>>>     > Hi all,
>>>     > 
>>>     > Ronald just sent me an email asking whether we will define metadata 
>>> for 
>>>     > 
>>>     > pushed_authorization_endpoint_auth_methods_supported and
>>>     > pushed_authorization_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported.
>>>     > 
>>>     > The draft right now utilises the existing token endpoint 
>>> authentication methods so there is basically no need to define another 
>>> parameter. The same principle could be applied to signing (and encryption) 
>>> algorithms as well. 
>>>     > 
>>>     > What’s your opinion?
>>>     > 
>>>     > best regards,
>>>     > Torsten.
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