Hi, All of my comments on oauth-security-topics-13 are remarks/questions/suggestions for clarification in the document, i.e., I do not have any fundamental objections. Overall, the draft is, in my opinion, in good shape to be published and as already discussed, open points can be updated later. I think that it is important that the document should become a BCP as soon as possible.
* Section 2, Attacker Model: While A1 and A2 are quite clear, A3-A5 seem to be extensions for A1 and A2 respectively, e.g., we could have attackers like (A1+A3) or (A2+A4+A5). A reader not fully familiar with this concept might misunderstand this classification. A sentence to clarify this would be good. * Section 3.1, Second Paragraph: The reference [owasp] is quite coarse as it points to the entry page of the OWASP organization. I suggest pointing to the OWASP cheat sheet on open redirects at https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Unvalidated_Redirects_and_Forwards_Cheat_Sheet.html. * Section 3.1, Third Paragraph, Section 4.7, and other places throughout the document: (Please excuse that the following might be a bit nitpicking.) The term CSRF might be misleading as we are not talking about "classical" CSRF, where a party is tricked into (implicitly) believing that a request was caused by its own origin (from a web browser), but was actually sent cross-origin. Here, we are talking about requests which (by protocol) are typically intended to be cross-origin. The point here is not that the request is cross-origin, but that it originates from an unintended (cross-)origin. Maybe you could mention that we are talking about an advanced kind of CSRF in the double-redirection context. * Section 3.1.2: What about SPAs? Either they use authorization code grant with the help of some server or use CORS to access the token endpoint. The token endpoint, however, then needs to support CORS. The obvious question is then, what is the CORS policy of the token endpoint? It is probably fine to allow all origins (if this policy only applies to the token ep itself and not other eps at the same origin) or do I miss something? * Section 4.1.3, "fix fragments": The source [fb_fragments] only says that Facebook adds the fragment #_=_ to some URLs. There is no explanation or reasoning in the source (as well as in this document) at all that this technique strips the fragment from redirects. (Mike Jones also commented on this.) * Section 4.2.4, Bullet Point "referrer header": Adding the rel="noreferrer" attribute to links does not protect against leakage via third-party content. Referrer Policy is the only effective countermeasure of the mentioned two as it can be used to completely suppress the Referer header or at least strip it to the origin. Should we give a concrete example for Referrer Policies? For example, the header "Referrer-Policy: no-referrer" in the response completely suppresses the Referer header in all requests originating from the resulting document. Also, this measure is easier to implement than adding rel="noreferrer" to each link. (BTW, there is also an excess quotation mark in this paragraph.) * Section 4.3.2: You mention postmessage communication (I think Hans also pointed to this). Afaik Google uses postmessage in their client library. Is there any document describing this technique? * Section 4.4.1: The attack description is based on a very concrete example. Some details, however, are not relevant for the attack to succeed. In Step 3, the exact response code could be amended with an "e.g." * Section 4.5: Add pointers (A1) and (A2) to web or network attacker in last sentence. * Section 4.5.3, "Code-bound State": This requires that state is fresh for each flow. You should mention or even emphasize this. * Section 4.5.3, "Per-instance client id/secret": This essentially says that native apps or anything that might be able to obtain and store client id/secret (e.g., using dynamic registration) could do this. Web SPAs could do this as well (e.g., using Web Storage). The last sentence of this paragraph is somehow confusing. * Section 4.5.3, Second Paragraph after bullet points, "Note on pre-warmed secrets": What is the context of this note? Does the attacker start a flow on some device, extract secrets, and then pass this device to the victim who then completes the OAuth flow? (Mike Jones also remarked that "pre-warmed secrets" is not explained) * Section, metadata parameter "resource_servers": This is supposed to be an extension to RFC8414, right? (Also mentioned by Mike Jones) * Section, return parameter "access_token_resource_server": This is supposed to be an extension of the token endpoint (as defined in RFC6749), right? I suggest adding a pointer to its definition. -Guido _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list OAuth@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth