The dichotomy of "TLS working" and "TLS failed" only applies to a single TLS 
connection. In non-end-to-end TLS environments, each TLS terminator between 
client and RS introduces additional token leakage/exfiltration risk, 
irrespective of the quality of the TLS connections themselves. Each terminator 
also introduces complexity for implementing mTLS, Token Binding, or any other 
TLS-based sender constraint solution, which means developers with 
non-end-to-end TLS use cases will be more likely to turn to DPoP. If DPoP is 
intended to address "cases where neither mTLS nor OAuth Token Binding are 
available" [1], then it should address this risk of token leakage between 
client and RS. If on the other hand DPoP is only intended to support the SPA 
use case and assumes the use of end-to-end TLS, then the document should be 
updated to reflect that.


Annabelle Richard Backman
AWS Identity

On 11/22/19, 8:17 PM, "OAuth on behalf of Torsten Lodderstedt" 
< on behalf of> 

    Hi Neil,
    > On 22. Nov 2019, at 18:08, Neil Madden <> wrote:
    > On 22 Nov 2019, at 07:53, Torsten Lodderstedt 
<> wrote:
    >>> On 22. Nov 2019, at 15:24, Justin Richer <> wrote:
    >>> I’m going to +1 Dick and Annabelle’s question about the scope here. 
That was the one major thing that struck me during the DPoP discussions in 
Singapore yesterday: we don’t seem to agree on what DPoP is for. Some 
(including the authors, it seems) see it as a quick point-solution to a 
specific use case. Others see it as a general PoP mechanism. 
    >>> If it’s the former, then it should be explicitly tied to one specific 
set of things. If it’s the latter, then it needs to be expanded. 
    >> as a co-author of the DPoP draft I state again what I said yesterday: 
DPoP is a mechanism for sender-constraining access tokens sent from SPAs only. 
The threat to be prevented is token replay.
    > I think the phrase "token replay" is ambiguous. Traditionally it refers 
to an attacker being able to capture a token (or whole requests) in use and 
then replay it against the same RS. This is already protected against by the 
use of normal TLS on the connection between the client and the RS. I think 
instead you are referring to a malicious/compromised RS replaying the token to 
a different RS - which has more of the flavour of a man in the middle attack 
(of the phishing kind).
    I would argue TLS basically prevents leakage and not replay. The threats we 
try to cope with can be found in the Security BCP. There are multiple ways 
access tokens can leak, including referrer headers, mix-up, open redirection, 
browser history, and all sorts of access token leakage at the resource server
    Please have a look at 
also has an extensive discussion of potential counter measures, including 
audience restricted access tokens and a conclusion to recommend sender 
constrained access tokens over other mechanisms.
    > But if that's the case then there are much simpler defences than those 
proposed in the current draft:
    > 1. Get separate access tokens for each RS with correct audience and 
scopes. The consensus appears to be that this is hard to do in some cases, 
hence the draft.
    How many deployments do you know that today are able to issue RS-specific 
access tokens?
    BTW: how would you identify the RS?
    I agree that would be an alternative and I’m a great fan of such tokens 
(and used them a lot at Deutsche Telekom) but in my perception this pattern 
needs still to be established in the market. Moreover, they basically protect 
from a rough RS (if the URL is used as audience) replaying the token someplace 
else, but they do not protect from all other kinds of leakage/replay (e.g. log 
    > 2. Make the DPoP token be a simple JWT with an "iat" and the origin of 
the RS. This stops the token being reused elsewhere but the client can reuse it 
(replay it) for many requests.
    > 3. Issue a macaroon-based access token and the client can add a correct 
audience and scope restrictions at the point of use.
    Why is this needed if the access token is already audience restricted? Or 
do you propose this as alternative? 
    > Protecting against the first kind of replay attacks only becomes an issue 
if we assume the protections in TLS have failed. But if DPoP is only intended 
for cases where mTLS can't be used, it shouldn't have to protect against a 
stronger threat model in which we assume that TLS security has been lost.
    I agree. 
    best regards,
    > -- Neil

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