Hello Daniel!

> 1. The client makes an ajax HEAD request to the OAuth authorization
> endpoint, which will silently create the authorization grant (this was
> the security exploit that was patched).

> Anyway, I'm trying to find guidance on transparent redirects for
> authorization code grants. There's a whole host of both security and
> application logic issues that could come up from such behavior, so I'd
> like to ask for clarification in best practices.

OAuth does not provide a way to recover from an expired access token barring a 
refresh token, which also can be invalidated. In particular, the only front 
channel ‘continuation’ parameter I know of is ‘id_token_hint’ in OIDC.

There are deployments today (admittedly mostly using implicit flow) which do 
not have refresh tokens. A mandate that you SHOULD ask for re-consent would be 
a recommendation that they have to interrupt the user periodically to continue 
access - which would just create another security vs usability decision.

Per your point above, the actual security issue was that GitHub 1) had the 
authorization endpoint serve double-duty and 2) treated HEAD requests as a 
quasi GET/POST to create a grant in their database to the client without user 
confirmation. The solution for this is not to ask the user to re-confirm on 
every request..

That said, it does make sense for some deployments to periodically invalidate a 
refresh token, even for the purpose of bringing the user back to re-consent 
permissions (aka self-audit). An application could theoretically distinguish 
from tokens granted by the protected user needing to be invalidated to drive 
the user to re-consent, and operationally granted tokens which are assumed to 
be actively managed and not tied to any user account.


> On Nov 8, 2019, at 5:49 AM, Daniel Roesler 
> <daniel=40utilityapi....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Howdy,
> In the "3.1 Protecting Redirect-Based Flows" > "3.1.1. Authorization
> Code Grant" section, is there guidance on when it is appropriate (if
> ever) to automatically generate a new authorization code and redirect
> back to the client?
> A recent exploit[1] on Github's OAuth implementation was practical
> because if you make an authorization request and the resource owner is
> already authenticated and the scope is already authorized, Github will
> silently generate a new authorization code and redirect the user back
> to the redirect_uri without asking them to click "Authorize" again.
> How the exploit worked:
> 2. However, since the ajax response was blocked via CORS, the client
> couldn't receive the authorization code in the response parameters.
> 3. So, the client then redirected the user to Github's authorization
> endpoint with the same authorization code request (only this time as a
> real GET redirect).
> 4. Github instantly redirected the user back to the client's
> redirect_uri with a new authorization code and without asking for any
> user interaction.
> It seems strange to me that OAuth should allow for transparent
> authorization code redirects without resource owner confirmation. This
> situation only comes up when something weird is happening, such as
> when a client loses their valid access|refresh_token, but isn't that
> all the more reason to clarify that you should always ask for resource
> owner confirmation of the scope, even in scenarios where you are just
> re-authorizing the same scope as before?
> Had Github asked for confirmation on step 4 above, the practicality of
> the HEAD exploit would have been reduced because the user would have
> been presented with an unexpected Allow/Deny Github OAuth dialogue,
> possibly alerting them to the fact that something strange was going
> on.
> [1]: https://blog.teddykatz.com/2019/11/05/github-oauth-bypass.html
> Daniel Roesler
> Co-founder & CTO, UtilityAPI
> dan...@utilityapi.com
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 2:27 AM Hannes Tschofenig
> <hannes.tschofe...@arm.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> this is a working group last call for "OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current 
>> Practice".
>> Here is the document:
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics-13
>> Please send you comments to the OAuth mailing list by Nov. 27, 2019.
>> (We use a three week WGLC because of the IETF meeting.)
>> Ciao
>> Hannes & Rifaat
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>> contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the 
>> information in any medium. Thank you.
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