> On 30. Oct 2019, at 15:15, Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com> wrote:
> On 30 Oct 2019, at 14:05, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> wrote:
>>> On 30. Oct 2019, at 14:56, Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com> wrote:
>>> On 30 Oct 2019, at 13:24, Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>>> All of these problems can be solved, and I think solved better, by 
>>>> securing the connection between the proxy and the back-end. That way the 
>>>> back end will be able look not only for a specific header, but verify that 
>>>> the header came from the proxy itself. An obscure header name is one way 
>>>> to do that, but it has a lot of issues with it, especially since it’s 
>>>> likely to be selected once during set-up and never changed throughout the 
>>>> lifetime of the deployment. I think there are likely much better solutions 
>>>> here, and they’d address this issue without things getting weird.
>>> The issue has nothing to do with the security of the connection between the 
>>> proxy and the backend. It is to do with data origin authentication of the 
>>> headers themselves. All of the headers arrive at the backend over the same 
>>> connection, but only some of them were created by the proxy. There are 
>>> undoubtedly better alternatives - e.g. using a shared secret to compute a 
>>> HMAC over security sensitive headers and include that as an additional 
>>> header or field. But an unguessable header name is *simple* and effective 
>>> and works right now with widely implemented functionality. 
>>> There's no need for the header name to ever change - the secret is not 
>>> exposed to untrusted parties
>> If the proxy sends certs via an header X to service A and B and someone 
>> impersonates A it will find out the secret and use it to inject certs in a 
>> connection towards B.
> Being able to impersonate A suggests that the attacker is already on the 
> trusted side of the network and that you are employing zero additional 
> network security controls between the RP and service A and B (e.g., TLS, 
> firewalls, VLAN/switches, etc). Remember, this is intended to mitigate 
> against accidental misconfiguration of the RP and header spoofing tricks 
> coming from the external network. I'm not suggesting it as an alternative to 
> basic network security on the trusted network.

Is there such a thing as a trusted network? I’m not sure what you mean but 
micro services call each other so network segregation would not help to prevent 
replay of a leaked security header. But (see below) different secret headers 
can be used to mitigate the threat I raised (at least limit the impact to an 
individual service).

>> We have learned that it is sometime hard to use different secret header 
>> names for the same purpose with different request targets. In those cases, a 
>> way to authenticate the proxy might by a good solution.  
> Do you have an example?

I checked back and it seems I had misunderstood. It’s possible to use different 
secret header names, one per proxy-to-service connection. 

> The RPs and load balancers I'm familiar that support multiple backends all 
> support sending different headers to each of them. Again though, security 
> against attackers inside the trusted network is not part of what the solution 
> is preventing.
> Again, authenticating the *connection* from the RP to the backend services is 
> good, but is completely orthogonal to authenticating the headers themselves.
> -- Neil

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