Thank you Justin for pointing this out. We had the exact same issue when
we implemented encrypted JAR  - and ended up requiring the client_id. In
the absence of a client_id as top level parameter symmetric encryption
cannot be handled because there's no good way to find out the
client_client secret (unless we try all possible secrets, which is not

We also have a policy to require_request_uri_registration=true and to
avoid creating indices also require the client_id for request_uri requests.


On 10/10/2019 20:01, Justin Richer wrote:
> In a related note, JAR currently allows “client_id” to be optional for
> exactly the reason of it being included in the request object.
> However, it falls into the same issue where you can’t decrypt the
> request object without knowing which client’s keys to use, and you
> can’t know which client you’re dealing with without decrypting the
> object. I think that probably needs to be addressed in JAR.
> — Justin
>> On Oct 10, 2019, at 12:59 PM, Justin Richer <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the response. My concern is that interpretation of the
>> requirement to “authenticate the client” could be interpreted in the
>> FAPI draft’s sense, which is to say validating the signature on the
>> request object and not doing anything else. 
>> The problem comes from the fact that we’re effectively smashing
>> together the conditions and assumptions of both the authorization
>> endpoint and token endpoint into a new endpoint. It’s going to be
>> messy, and we need to be very pedantic about what we mean if this
>> draft is going to be implementable. 
>> — Justin
>>> On Oct 10, 2019, at 3:07 AM, Filip Skokan <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> > If several of these are sent, they need to be consistent.
>>> Given that client authentication precedes processing the rest of the
>>> request, if several client authentication methods are provided
>>> (header + secret or secret + assertion, etc) you generally reject
>>> the request, don't you?
>>> Then there's the requirement for the client_id given by
>>> authentication method (none is still an "authentication" method -
>>> client_id in the body) to match the `iss` and `client_id` in the
>>> request object. That's already required by JAR processing rules and
>>> also PAR.
>>> > But because JAR allows you to send in a request that is only a
>>> request object, it also seems like you could pass in just the
>>> request object with no other parameters, if I’m reading this right,
>>> which would imply that you could be expected to glean the client ID
>>> from the request object itself without it being in either a
>>> parameter or in another part of the request that’s easily accessed. 
>>> It was only in the original FAPI revision of PAR that allowed the
>>> request object's signature to substitute client authentication, in
>>> the individual draft published to IETF that's not the case anymore -
>>> hence if "only" a request object is passed - with no client
>>> authentication (header, client_id in body, mtls) you fail the request.
>>> As far as requiring client_id, here's what my implementation does
>>> > When providing form-encoded parameters - client_id must be present
>>> in the form.
>>> > When providing signed/encrypted request object - client_id must be
>>> present in the request object.
>>> I wouldn't mind always requiring client_id, and i'm not worried
>>> about it not matching e.g. the authorization header because the
>>> client authentication middleware in place already takes care of that.
>>> S pozdravem,
>>> *Filip Skokan*
>>> On Thu, 10 Oct 2019 at 03:13, Justin Richer <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     So in doing an implementation of this, I ran into this problem
>>>     as well. Specifically, we need to know which client we’re
>>>     dealing with to fully validate the encrypted request object as
>>>     well as perform the authentication. Currently, things are a
>>>     little underspecified, and part of that comes from the history
>>>     of this document: in the previous FAPI spec, the (required)
>>>     signature of the request object acted as de-facto authentication
>>>     for the client. In PAR, we not only can’t rely on the request
>>>     itself being signed, we also require handling of client
>>>     authentication in its many forms. That means the client ID could
>>>     show up in any combination of:
>>>      - Form parameter
>>>      - Authorization header
>>>      - Client assertion’s “iss" field
>>>      - Request object’s “client_id” (and “iss”) field
>>>     If several of these are sent, they need to be consistent. And
>>>     whatever value comes out needs to be consistent with the
>>>     client’s authentication method.
>>>     But because JAR allows you to send in a request that is only a
>>>     request object, it also seems like you could pass in just the
>>>     request object with no other parameters, if I’m reading this
>>>     right, which would imply that you could be expected to glean the
>>>     client ID from the request object itself without it being in
>>>     either a parameter or in another part of the request that’s
>>>     easily accessed. 
>>>     So herein lies the problem. In order to properly process the
>>>     request object, you need to know which client you’re dealing
>>>     with so you can validate the signing algs, keys, and all that.
>>>     For signed requests that’s simple enough — parse in one step,
>>>     then authenticate the client, then validate the signatures. But
>>>     for encrypted JWTs it’s less clear: some methods would use only
>>>     the server’s public key, but symmetric encryption
>>>     algorithm/encoding pairs would use the client secret as the
>>>     pairwise secret for the encryption. Which means that we need to
>>>     know which client sent the request before the decryption happens. 
>>>     Which in turn implies one of two things are true:
>>>      - You can’t do a request object when it’s encrypted using a
>>>     symmetric algorithm
>>>      - You have to require the client ID from some other part of the
>>>     request, such as a form parameter, auth header, or client
>>>     assertion; the client_id in the request object cannot be counted
>>>     on as being sufficient
>>>     In our current draft implementation of PAR, I’m turning off
>>>     support for symmetric encryption in this one code path. If we
>>>     can somehow count on being able to find a client_id every time,
>>>     then we can refactor our implementation to parse and handle all
>>>     the client stuff :before: handling the request object itself. In
>>>     other words, if I always have to send something that identifies
>>>     the client in addition to the request object, then I can count
>>>     on that.
>>>     Thoughts?
>>>     — Justin
>>>>     On Sep 30, 2019, at 11:21 AM, Brian Campbell
>>>>     <
>>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>>     On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 9:30 AM Aaron Parecki
>>>>     < <>> wrote:
>>>>         > Depending on client type and authentication method, the
>>>>         request might
>>>>         >   also include the "client_id" parameter.
>>>>         I assume this is hinting at the difference between public
>>>>         clients
>>>>         sending only the "client_id" parameter and confidential clients
>>>>         sending only the HTTP Basic Authorization header which
>>>>         includes both
>>>>         the client ID and secret? It would probably be helpful to
>>>>         call out
>>>>         these two common examples if I am understanding this correctly,
>>>>         otherwise it seems pretty vague.
>>>>     What this is trying to convey is that because client
>>>>     authentication at this Pushed Authorization Request Endpoint
>>>>     happens the same way as at the token endpoint (and other
>>>>     endpoints called directly by the client) the client_id
>>>>     parameter will sometimes be present but not necessarily as some
>>>>     types of client auth use the client_id parameter (none,
>>>>     client_secret_post, tls_client_auth,
>>>>     self_signed_tls_client_auth) and some don't
>>>>     (client_secret_basic, client_secret_jwt, private_key_jwt).
>>>>     Although the draft does later say "The AS MUST validate the
>>>>     request the same way as at the authorization endpoint" which I
>>>>     think could reasonably be interpreted as requiring client_id. 
>>>>     e.g.,
>>>>     <> &
>>>>     So perhaps the sentence in question should be removed and have
>>>>     client_id be a required parameter at the PAR endpoint.
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