Hi Vladimir,

> On 24. Sep 2019, at 08:03, Vladimir Dzhuvinov <vladi...@connect2id.com> wrote:
> When implementing 08 a question came up:
> * The token has multiple audiences (aud), e.g ["rs1", "rs2", "rs3"].
> * The RS "rs1" is in the expected audience.
> Are there any considerations (privacy, etc) about returning the full
> audience list ["rs1", "rs2", "rs3"] in the introspection response?
> Theoretically, the RS shouldn't be interested which other RSs may
> legally consume the token, so those may be excluded from the list,
> returning only ["rs1”]

From a privacy perspective, I would expect the AS to reduce the data to the 
minimum required for the particular RS. In your case, the AS should narrow down 
the audience to ["rs1”].

From a security perspective, this also reduces the risk for replay at other 

best regards,

> ?

> Vladimir
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