If the phone is compromised, it doesn’t matter if the client is public or 
confidential. In the latter case, an attacker could exfiltrate or capture the 
client’s own credentials and use them maliciously.

— Justin

On Sep 10, 2019, at 3:27 PM, Masakazu OHTSUKA 
<o.masak...@gmail.com<mailto:o.masak...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I see.

Then is this understandable to think from the Authorization Server's point of 
view ...

If phone being compromised is a threat that the Client cares,
AS might be interested in NOT supporting public Clients,
and forcing the Client to have a server side, do client authentication, and 
have some way to hold a session between the native app and it's server side.

Because if phone is compromised, when AS supports public Clients and 
access_token leaks, it's kind of AS's fault (well depending on the terms...),
but if whatever the means that the phone app and it's server side keeps a 
session leaks, it's NOT the AS's fault.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 8:23 PM Marius Scurtescu 
<marius.scurte...@coinbase.com<mailto:marius.scurte...@coinbase.com>> wrote:
If the phone is compromised, original app replaced by malicious app, then 
RFC8252 will not help. The assumption is that the phone is not compromised.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 9:58 AM Masakazu OHTSUKA 
<o..masak...@gmail.com<mailto:o.masak...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I've read rfc8252 and have questions about native apps, that I couldn't find 
answers on Internet.

Imagine an attacker doing:
1. original app and authorization server conforms to rfc8252 4.1.  
Authorization Flow for Native Apps Using the Browser
2. clone the original app, name it malicious app and install on the target phone
3. remove the original app from the target phone
4. use the malicious app and authorize, OS will invoke malicious app using 
custom URL scheme
5. now malicious app has access to the access token

How should we think about this?
What am I missing?

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