Thanks for the responses Ben. More inline below with stuff that warrants no
further discussion snipped out.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 5:17 PM Benjamin Kaduk <> wrote:

>   But it's possible to be naive and be correct at the same time...

I rather like that and suspect I might have to use it in the future :)

> In terms of proposed text, it looks like after the first paragraph of
> Section 3 would be a reasonable place, perhaps:
> In order for a resource server to use certificate-bound access tokens, it
> must have advance knowledge that mtls is to be used for some or all
> resource accesses.  In particular, the client ID or access token itself
> cannot be used as input to the decision of whether or not to use mtls,
> since from the TLS perspective those are "Application Data", only exchanged
> after the TLS handshake has been completed, and the initial
> CertificateRequest occurs during the handshake, before the Application Data
> is available.  Although subsequent opportunities for a TLS client to
> present a certificate may be available, e.g., via TLS 1.2 renegotiation
> [RFC5246] or TLS 1.3 post-handshake authentication [RFC8446], this document
> makes no provision for their usage.  It is expected to be common that a
> mtls-using resource server will require mtls for all resources hosted
> thereupon, or will serve mtls-protected and regular resources on separate
> hostname+port combinations, though other workflows are possible.  How
> resource server policy is synchronized with the AS is out of scope for this
> document.
> And then the following paragraph could start "Within the scope of an
> mtls-protected resource-access flow,"

Thank you for that. Super helpful. I'll incorporate.

> And my intent and assumption was that a mismatch covered the case where no
> > certificate was presented (i.e. null cert doesn't match expected cert
> just
> > as different cert doesn't match). But perhaps that particular case should
> > be made more explicit?  The second to last paragraph of sec 3
> It probably should; "if the presented certificate" as a predicate could
> fairly be easily read as to ignore the case where no certificate is
> presented.

Fair enough. Maybe, "If no certificate is presented or that which is
presented doesn't match" would suffice to avoid that reading?

> has similar
> > guidance for error handing in the case of mismatch during resource
> access.
> >
> > The case of a so called public client that has
> > tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens metadata of true that shows up
> > at the token endpoint without having done MTLS is a bit more nuanced and
> I
> > think it's untimely a policy decision for the AS at that point as to
> > whether to error or issue an unbound token.
> Do you have any feelings about whether or not you want to mention that case
> explicitly as being up to local policy at the AS (vs. leaving it implicit
> as is presently being done)?

I don't really *want* to add anything but it's probably better to be
explicit about it. I'll look for a place to work it in.

> > I am not *nix skilled enough to troubleshoot that command pipeline but I
> > suspect that the sha256sum output is in hex which represents each byte of
> > the hash output with two charterers and thus double the resultant size.
> Please excuse me while I wipe the egg off my face.
> Yes, that sha256sum output is in hex, and I should have counted the bits
> directly.  I hope you did not waste too much time on this (and now I can
> get the thumbprint to agree).

No worries. I only spent enough time second guessing everything so as to
try and avoid getting egg on my own face.

> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > COMMENT:
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >    protected resource access in step (B) is only possible by the
> > >    legitimate client bearing the access token and holding the private
> > >    key corresponding to the certificate.
> > >
> > > nit: I guess it is only protected resource access "using this tokwn"
> > > that is only possible as specified.
> > >
> >
> > I kinda felt like that was implied at this point. But I can add "using
> this
> > token" there, if you think it's needed or helpful?
> Or perhaps "using a certificate-bound token".  I think it's just barely
> worth adding, since this section is largely reiterating the general OAuth
> flow, and this helps emphasize that the "and holding the private key" is
> the important/new part.

Works for me.

> It's gotta be done (unless using the self-singed method) and it is
> > definitely up to deployments as I wouldn't even pretend to know where to
> > begin on providing general guidance nor would I think it appropriate.
> >
> > I felt like this was pretty well implied and touched on in security
> > considerations too. But please suggest some specific text, if you think
> > it's needed or would be useful.
> Maybe a couple lines at the end of Section 7.3, "TLS certificate validation
> (for both client and server certificates) requires a local database of
> trusted certificate authorities (CAs).  Decisions about what CAs to trust
> and how to make such a determination of trust are out of scope for this
> document, but such policy must be consistent between AS and RS for reliable
> operation."?

The very last part isn't exactly true as this document recommends or at
least discusses the possibility that an RS run in a "trust em all" mode wrt
client certs and use the client cert only for private-key PoP of the bound
access tokens. As such, I'm inclined to take your text but end it with
"scope for this document."

> > >    tls_client_auth_san_ip
> That all sounds reasonable to me; I'm happy to leave this topic to the
> other ballot threads (or remove the option entirely).

I think the other thread(s) got it to an actionable way forward

I think it helps my understanding, thanks.
> Perhaps it is the RS's verification of proof-of-possession that is
> decoupled from the client's authentication to the AS, then?

Yeah, I think so. I guess I sometimes conflate the binding in the token and
the verification of the binding by the RS. I'll work on the wording a bit.

Per your clarification above, I think I misunderstood the meaning here.
> My new suggestion would be "indirectly certificate-bound by way of the
> clientID and the associated requirement for (certificate-based)
> authentication to the AS", if that's not too unwieldly.

It's possible to be unwieldy and be correct at the same time:) I'm inclined
to use it.

> > > Section 7.5
> > >
> > >    o  handling of null-terminator bytes and non-canonical string
> > >       representations in subject names;
> > >
> > > ASN.1 encodings are going to be using counted strings, so any
> > > NUL terminators will be in implementation languages.  I think we might
> > > want to reword this to indicate that ASN.1 strings cannot be directly
> > > interpreted as native language strings in languages that use NUL
> > > terminators.
> > >
> >
> > I am not equipped with the knowledge to do that rewording. Please suggest
> > some specific text, if you'd like to have it reworded.
> How about:
> o handling of embedded NUL bytes in ASN.1 counted-length strings, and
> non-canonical or non-normalized string representations in subject names


> Thanks for all the updates!

Likewise, thanks for the review. Yours can be long and painful at times but
are quite useful.

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