I'm honestly not sure I follow all that or how it would really work to
prevent name collisions. As a lipnus test, would the one real world
instance of the issue (name collision with 'aud') have been averted by this?

While my understanding is obliviously a requirement here, I do have more
familiarity with this stuff than the average person, so my lack of
understanding might serve as a good indicator about the likely simplicity
and efficacy of what's been suggested.

On Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 12:02 AM Nat Sakimura <sakim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Brian,
> Perhaps I should have spelled out what I have stated as "grandfather the
> currently registered OAuth Authorization Request parameters into JWT Claims
> Registry and keep any incoming OAuth Authz param in sync with the JWT
> Claims Registry by creating a modified instruction for IANA processings.
> I felt that to find out what is being added to the JWT Claims registry as
> potentially OAuth Authz Request extension parameters that are coming in the
> future a bit arbitrary and not-so-simple while an instruction to add
> incoming OAuth Authz Request parameters to JWT Claims Registry is
> deterministic and therefore simple.
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 4:47 PM Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com>
> wrote:
>> Nat, you suggest that the "simplest solution probably is to register the
>> authorization request parameters to the JWT Claims registry." However, as
>> I've attempted to articulate several times this week (
>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/0EenxmThjII52SAr9atpBStRtcs
>> and muliple comments on https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/issues/1019)
>> and even back in 2017 (
>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/_E14Trqu962cReu3t6FquPEyigY),
>> I believe the pragmatic solution to this is to register some of the main
>> JWT claims into the OAuth parameters registry (not the other way around, as
>> you're suggesting which wouldn't even have caught the one name collision
>> we've actually had where a draft, more than one actually, wanted to call an
>> authorization request parameter "aud", which would conflicted with the JWT
>> claim of the same name and cause big problems when used together with JAR).
>> I suppose the iron clad way to "fix" this would be to merge the two
>> registries and keep them in sync forever. But that seems awfully heavy
>> handed and unnecessary. JAR is a specific application of JWT being used to
>> convey an OAuth authz request. JAR explicitly uses a few core JWT claims
>> (aud, iss) and one could reasonably imagine other core ones being used as
>> well (exp, iat, nbf, jti, etc). An authorization request parameter being
>> introduced that uses one of those names is far and away the most likely
>> point of collision (and has already happened, as noted previously). A new
>> JWT claim being introduced that collides with an existing authorization
>> request parameter name AND would be used in the context of JAR is far far
>> less likely to happen. So unlikely, in fact, that I don't think it's
>> necessary or even useful to pollute the JWT claims registry with the names
>> of all the authorization request parameters. I happen to be one of the DEs
>> on the JWT claims registry so, in theory, I have some idea what I'm talking
>> about here. In theory. And I do have to be upfront at this point and say
>> that I will push back on a request for registration of a bunch of
>> authorization request parameters into the JWT claims registry without
>> without more compelling reason.
>> On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 12:23 PM Nat Sakimura <sakim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks very much for the comments.
>>> Here are my responses to your comments.
>>> On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 2:59 PM Benjamin Kaduk via Datatracker <
>>> nore...@ietf.org> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Benjamin Kaduk has entered the following ballot position for
>>> > draft-ietf-oauth-jwsreq-19: Discuss
>>> >
>>> > When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
>>> > email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
>>> > introductory paragraph, however.)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Please refer to
>>> https://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
>>> > for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
>>> > https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-oauth-jwsreq/
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > DISCUSS:
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > My apologies; my previous position was incomplete.  Updated to note
>>> > namespacing issues, and one minor terminology nit about "DNS-ID".
>>> >
>>> > There seem to be some pretty serious namespacing issues that are not
>>> > discussed at all in this document.  Specifically, using JWT as a
>>> > container for OAuth 2.0 authorization request parameters (including
>>> > extension parameters) introduces the usage of many new names (of JSON
>>> > name/value pairs) into the JWT claims namespace.  Furthermore, the
>>> > addition is not bounded, as any new OAuth extension parameters are
>>> > implicitly permitted to be used as well!  The IANA Considerations make
>>> > no mention of the collapsed namespace for JWT claims and OAuth 2.0
>>> > (authorization request) parameters, leaving substantial potential for
>>> > collisions in the future.
>>> The simplest solution probably is to register the authorization request
>>> parameters to the JWT Claims registry.
>>> According to my checking, the relevant but not yet registered parameters
>>> are:
>>> Claim Name: "code_challenge"
>>> Claim Description: OAuth PKCE Code Challenge
>>> Change Controller: IESG
>>> Specification Document(s): Section 3 of RFC 7636
>>> Claim Name: "code_challenge_method"
>>> Claim Description: OAuth PKCE Code Challenge
>>> Change Controller: IESG
>>> Specification Document(s): Section 3 of RFC 7636
>>> Claim Name: "redirect_uri"
>>> Claim Description: OAuth Redirection URI
>>> Change Controller: IETF
>>> Specification Document(s): Section 4.1.1 of RFC 6749
>>> Claim Name: "response_type"
>>> Claim Description: OAuth Authorization Response type
>>> Change Controller: IETF
>>> Specification Document(s): Section 3.1.1 of RFC 6749
>>> Claim Name: "state"
>>> Claim Description: OAuth state parameter
>>> Change Controller: IETF
>>> Specification Document(s): Section 4.1.1 of RFC 6749
>>> Claim Name: "vtr"
>>> Claim Description: Vector of Trust request
>>> Change Controller: IESG
>>> Specification Document(s): Section 4.1 of RFC 8485
>>> > Relatedly, using "application/jwt" as the Content-type of the
>>> > HTTP response from dereferencing the request_uri with no explicit
>>> > indication of the type/profile of JWT used (whether in the content type
>>> > or in the JWT claims themselves) gives some risk of misinterpretation
>>> of
>>> > the content..  Consider, for example, when that request_uri is
>>> > dereferenced not by the authorization server in the process of
>>> > fulfilling an authorization request, but instead by some other service
>>> > that expects a different type of JWT.
>>> I am making the change to "application/oauth-authz-req+jwt" and add IANA
>>> request.
>>> >
>>> > This second point is a "discuss discuss" -- it's an important question
>>> > and I'd like to talk about it, but it's not clear that any change to
>>> the
>>> > document will be needed.
>>> >
>>> > The introduction notes as an advantage of JWT that:
>>> >
>>> >    (d)  (collection minimization) The request can be signed by a third
>>> >         party attesting that the authorization request is compliant
>>> with
>>> >         a certain policy.  For example, a request can be pre-examined
>>> by
>>> >         a third party that all the personal data requested is strictly
>>> >         necessary to perform the process that the end-user asked for,
>>> >         and statically signed by that third party.  The authorization
>>> >         server then examines the signature and shows the conformance
>>> >         status to the end-user, who would have some assurance as to the
>>> >         legitimacy of the request when authorizing it.  In some cases,
>>> >         it may even be desirable to skip the authorization dialogue
>>> >         under such circumstances.
>>> >
>>> > I'm pretty uncomfortable about suggesting that the authorization
>>> > dialogue can/should be skipped; do we need to keep this example?
>>> >
>>> I have actually deliberately put this text as there seem to be some
>>> disconnect between the engineering community and the privacy regulators
>>> community. Asking for "consent" is something that should be considered as
>>> an exception and should use other lawful basis if possible as UK ICO (The
>>> data protection regulator in the UK) advises. As the editor of "ISO/IEC
>>> 29184 Privacy notice and consent", which is being developed with close
>>> coordination with regulators such as European Data Protection Board, I
>>> would have to agree to that position and I took OAuth JAR as one of the
>>> opportunity to call it out. I will add some text explaining it such as:
>>> In some cases, it is deemed harmful to ask for consent when it is not
>>> necessary: i.e., the processing is performed under other lawful basis than
>>> consent, as it would make the consent, that should be an exception, stand
>>> out less. Under such circumstances, this mechanism can be used to skip the
>>> authorization dialogue.
>>> >
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > COMMENT:
>>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > Section 1
>>> >
>>> >    While it is easy to implement, the encoding in the URI does not
>>> allow
>>> >    application layer security with confidentiality and integrity
>>> >    protection to be used.  While TLS is used to offer communication
>>> >
>>> > nit: this wording is a little hard to read; it might be easier to
>>> > reorder to "does not allow application layer security to be used to
>>> > provide confidentiality and integrity protection".
>>> Thanks. I will make the change.
>>> >
>>> >    The use of application layer security allows requests to be prepared
>>> >    by a third party so that a client application cannot request more
>>> >    permissions than previously agreed.  This offers an additional
>>> degree
>>> >    of privacy protection.
>>> >
>>> > (side note) what would an example of such a third party be.  (We
>>> already
>>> > have the resource owner, the client, and the authorization server ...
>>> > maybe it's a fourth party?)
>>> It is a fourth party, e.g., a trust framework provider or an information
>>> fiduciary.
>>> The text need to be modified though as I found an error.
>>> Since now all the OAuth Request parameters must be in the request object,
>>> only the pattern that can be supported for something like this is to push
>>> the request object to the TFP and have the TFP check if it meets the
>>> policy
>>> and return request_uri only it is evelauted as OK.
>>> >
>>> >    Furthermore, the request by reference allows the reduction of over-
>>> >    the-wire overhead.
>>> >
>>> > We only barely mentioned by-reference at this point (one line in the
>>> > Abstract), so I'd suggest "passing the request by reference".
>>> Thanks. I will make the change.
>>> >
>>> >    (4)  its development status that it is an RFC and so is its
>>> >         associated signing and encryption methods as [RFC7515] and
>>> >         [RFC7516]
>>> >
>>> > nit: I'd suggest "its development status as a Proposed Standard, along
>>> > with the associated signing and encryption methods [RFC7515]
>>> [RFC7516]."
>>> Thanks. I will make the change.
>>> >
>>> >    (c)  (confidentiality protection) The request can be encrypted so
>>> >         that end-to-end confidentiality can be provided even if the TLS
>>> >         connection is terminated at one point or another.
>>> >
>>> > nit: TLS is always terminated at or before the user-agent, though.  So
>>> > maybe the user agent needs to get called out here as well (there could
>>> > of course be TLS termination earlier than the user-agent in some cases,
>>> > too).
>>> Thanks. I will make the change.
>>> >
>>> >    2.  When the client does not want to do the crypto.  The
>>> >        Authorization Server may provide an endpoint to accept the
>>> >        Authorization Request through direct communication with the
>>> >        Client so that the Client is authenticated and the channel is
>>> TLS
>>> >        protected.
>>> >
>>> > How can you "not want to do [the] crypto" but still be doing TLS (with
>>> > crypto)?  Perhaps we're looking for "not want to pay the additional
>>> > overhead of JWS/JWE cryptography on top of TLS"?
>>> Thanks. I will make the change.
>>> >
>>> > Section 1.1
>>> >
>>> > RFC 8174 has updated BCP 14 boilerplate text to use.
>>> Thanks. I will make the change.
>>> >
>>> > Section 3
>>> >
>>> > nit: should this section be 2.3 to get wrapped into "terminology"?
>>> It could, but I suppose it could be as is.
>>> >
>>> > It might also be worth putting references in for the terms, though they
>>> > are largely common knowledge at this point.
>>> Hopefully, they are public knowledge ...
>>> >
>>> > Section 4
>>> >
>>> >    A Request Object (Section 2.1) is used to provide authorization
>>> >    request parameters for an OAuth 2.0 authorization request.  It MUST
>>> >    contains all the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] authorization request
>>> parameters
>>> >    including extension parameters.  The parameters are represented as
>>> >
>>> > nit: "all the parameters" kind of sounds like "all that are defined"...
>>> > But I think the intent here is "any parameter used to process the
>>> > request must come from the request object and URL query parameters are
>>> > ignored", so maybe "MUST contain all the parameters (including
>>> extension
>>> > parameters) used to process the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] authorization
>>> > request; parameters from other sources MUST NOT be used", akin to what
>>> > we say down in Sections 5 and 6.3..
>>> > But we need to be careful about the wording to not exclude the usage of
>>> > the "request" and "request_uri" query parameters to  find the Request
>>> > Object!
>>> Thanks. I will make the description more exact.
>>> >
>>> >    the JWT claims.  Parameter names and string values MUST be included
>>> >
>>> > nit: maybe "the JWT claims of the object"?
>>> Thanks. I will probably make it "the JWT claims of the request object."
>>> >
>>> >    any extension parameters.  This JSON [RFC7159] constitutes the JWT
>>> >    Claims Set defined in JWT [RFC7519].  The JWT Claims Set is then
>>> >    signed or signed and encrypted.
>>> >
>>> > nit: I  think we want "This JSON [RFC7159] object".
>>> Thanks. I will fix it as suggested.
>>> >
>>> > (Long quote incoming)
>>> >
>>> >    The following is an example of the Claims in a Request Object before
>>> >    base64url encoding and signing.  Note that it includes extension
>>> >    variables such as "nonce" and "max_age".
>>> >
>>> >      {
>>> >       "iss": "s6BhdRkqt3",
>>> >       "aud": "https://server..example.com <https://server.example.com>
>>> ",
>>> >       "response_type": "code id_token",
>>> >       "client_id": "s6BhdRkqt3",
>>> >       "redirect_uri": "https://client..example.org/cb
>>> <https://client.example.org/cb>",
>>> >       "scope": "openid",
>>> >       "state": "af0ifjsldkj",
>>> >       "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
>>> >       "max_age": 86400
>>> >      }
>>> >
>>> >    Signing it with the "RS256" algorithm results in this Request Object
>>> >    value (with line wraps within values for display purposes only):
>>> >
>>> >      eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImsyYmRjIn0.ew0KICJpc3MiOiAiczZCaGRSa3
>>> >      F0MyIsDQogImF1ZCI6ICJodHRwczovL3NlcnZlci5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsDQogInJl
>>> >      c3BvbnNlX3R5cGUiOiAiY29kZSBpZF90b2tlbiIsDQogImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ICJzNk
>>> >      JoZFJrcXQzIiwNCiAicmVkaXJlY3RfdXJpIjogImh0dHBzOi8vY2xpZW50LmV4YW1w
>>> >      bGUub3JnL2NiIiwNCiAic2NvcGUiOiAib3BlbmlkIiwNCiAic3RhdGUiOiAiYWYwaW
>>> >      Zqc2xka2oiLA0KICJub25jZSI6ICJuLTBTNl9XekEyTWoiLA0KICJtYXhfYWdlIjog
>>> >      ODY0MDAsDQogImNsYWltcyI6IA0KICB7DQogICAidXNlcmluZm8iOiANCiAgICB7DQ
>>> >      ogICAgICJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIjogeyJlc3NlbnRpYWwiOiB0cnVlfSwNCiAgICAgIm5p
>>> >      Y2tuYW1lIjogbnVsbCwNCiAgICAgImVtYWlsIjogeyJlc3NlbnRpYWwiOiB0cnVlfS
>>> >      wNCiAgICAgImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjogeyJlc3NlbnRpYWwiOiB0cnVlfSwNCiAg
>>> >      ICAgInBpY3R1cmUiOiBudWxsDQogICAgfSwNCiAgICJpZF90b2tlbiI6IA0KICAgIH
>>> >      sNCiAgICAgImdlbmRlciI6IG51bGwsDQogICAgICJiaXJ0aGRhdGUiOiB7ImVzc2Vu
>>> >      dGlhbCI6IHRydWV9LA0KICAgICAiYWNyIjogeyJ2YWx1ZXMiOiBbInVybjptYWNlOm
>>> >      luY29tbW9uOmlhcDpzaWx2ZXIiXX0NCiAgICB9DQogIH0NCn0.nwwnNsk1-Zkbmnvs
>>> >      F6zTHm8CHERFMGQPhos-EJcaH4Hh-sMgk8ePrGhw_trPYs8KQxsn6R9Emo_wHwajyF
>>> >      KzuMXZFSZ3p6Mb8dkxtVyjoy2GIzvuJT_u7PkY2t8QU9hjBcHs68PkgjDVTrG1uRTx
>>> >      0GxFbuPbj96tVuj11pTnmFCUR6IEOXKYr7iGOCRB3btfJhM0_AKQUfqKnRlrRscc8K
>>> >      ol-cSLWoYE9l5QqholImzjT_cMnNIznW9E7CDyWXTsO70xnB4SkG6pXfLSjLLlxmPG
>>> >      iyon_-Te111V8uE83IlzCYIb_NMXvtTIVc1jpspnTSD7xMbpL-2QgwUsAlMGzw
>>> >
>>> > Decoding the base64 of the body, we see:
>>> > {
>>> >  "iss": "s6BhdRkqt3",
>>> >  "aud": "https://server.example.com";,
>>> >  "response_type": "code id_token",
>>> >  "client_id": "s6BhdRkqt3",
>>> >  "redirect_uri": "https://client.example.org/cb
>>> <https://client..example.org/cb>",
>>> >  "scope": "openid",
>>> >  "state": "af0ifjsldkj",
>>> >  "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
>>> >  "max_age": 86400,
>>> >  "claims":
>>> >   {
>>> >    "userinfo":
>>> >     {
>>> >      "given_name": {"essential": true},
>>> >      "nickname": null,
>>> >      "email": {"essential": true},
>>> >      "email_verified": {"essential": true},
>>> >      "picture": null
>>> >     },
>>> >    "id_token":
>>> >     {
>>> >      "gender": null,
>>> >      "birthdate": {"essential": true},
>>> >      "acr": {"values": ["urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver"]}
>>> >     }
>>> >   }
>>> > }
>>> >
>>> > I'm not sure where the "claims" claim is coming from -- 6749 doesn't
>>> > seem to talk about it.  (Note that this example is used later on as
>>> > well.)
>>> It is an extension parameter that is registered in the OAuth
>>> authorization request registry.
>>> It is defined in OpenID Connect Core and OIDF is in the process of
>>> registering it to the JWT Claims registry as well. I have put them to show
>>> that extension parameters can also be used in the request object. Having
>>> said that, they may be confusing. I should just remove them.
>>> >
>>> > Section 5.2.1
>>> >
>>> >    It is possible for the Request Object to include values that are to
>>> >    be revealed only to the Authorization Server.  As such, the
>>> >    "request_uri" MUST have appropriate entropy for its lifetime.  For
>>> >    the guidance, refer to of [RFC6819].  It is RECOMMENDED
>>> >    that it be removed after a reasonable timeout unless access control
>>> >    measures are taken.
>>> >
>>> > It sounds like a link to https://www.w3.org/TR/capability-urls/ might
>>> > also be useful.
>>> >
>>> Thanks. I will add it.
>>> > Section 5.2.2
>>> >
>>> > Do we want to remind the reader that the other query parameters are
>>> just
>>> > for backwards compatibility?
>>> It is probably be better to remove them as they are not allowed to be
>>> used.
>>> >
>>> > Section 5.2.3
>>> >
>>> >    The following is an example of this fetch process:
>>> >
>>> >      GET /request.jwt HTTP/1.1
>>> >      Host: tfp.example.org
>>> >
>>> > It's useful to show good hygeine in examples; can we get the extra
>>> > entropy in this request that we have in the previous example(s)?
>>> Thanks for pointing out. I will fix it. (The previous example also needs
>>> to be changed.)
>>> >
>>> > Section 6.2
>>> >
>>> >    The Authorization Server MUST perform the signature validation of
>>> the
>>> >    JSON Web Signature [RFC7515] signed request object.  For this, the
>>> >    "alg" Header Parameter in its JOSE Header MUST match the value of
>>> the
>>> >    pre-registered algorithm..  The signature MUST be validated against
>>> >    the appropriate key for that "client_id" and algorithm.
>>> >
>>> > Does "the pre-registered algorithm" concept exist in the specs outside
>>> > of draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bcp?
>>> Yes. RFC7591 combined with some of the OAuth Dynamic Client Registration
>>> Metadata registry forms the concept. RFC7591 allows clients to register the
>>> claims that is in the OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Metadata registry.
>>> The registry has
>>>    - request_object_signing_alg
>>>    - request_object_encryption_alg
>>> besides others. Having said that, it is a bit obscure so I probably
>>> should put some more explanation around it.
>>> >
>>> > Section 8
>>> >
>>> >    HTTP clients MUST also verify the TLS server certificate, using
>>> >    subjectAltName dNSName identities as described in [RFC6125], to
>>> avoid
>>> >    man-in-the-middle attacks.  The rules and guidelines defined in
>>> >
>>> > It's probably easier to just say "using DNS-ID [RFC6125], to avoid
>>> > man-in-the-middle attacks".
>>> Thanks. I will do so.
>>> >
>>> > Section 9
>>> >
>>> > The error codes we list in Section 7 are already registered, for the
>>> > OIDC usage.  Do we want to say anything about that?   (I guess it would
>>> > be disallowed by process to try to update the existing registration to
>>> > also point at this document.)
>>> OIDC is an extension of OAuth and it should be fine as is.
>>> What we need to be careful is that there will be no conflict going
>>> forward.
>>> I will put the instruction update that will be provided by Mike (Jones)..
>>> >
>>> > Section 10
>>> >
>>> > We probably also want to reference draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bcp.
>>> Thanks. I will put the reference as draft.
>>> >
>>> > Section 10.1
>>> >
>>> >    When sending the authorization request object through "request"
>>> >    parameter, it MUST either be signed using JWS [RFC7515] or encrypted
>>> >    using JWE [RFC7516] with then considered appropriate algorithm.
>>> >
>>> > Up in Section 5 we only allow (a) signed and (b) signed then encrypted;
>>> > similarly, in Section 4 we reiterate "signed then encrypted".  Why is
>>> it
>>> > okay to talk about just "signed or encrypted" here?
>>> Very good catch. It should be changed to align with other sections.
>>> >
>>> > Section 10.2
>>> >
>>> >    (b)  Verifying that the symmetric key for the JWE encryption is the
>>> >         correct one if the JWE is using symmetric encryption.
>>> >
>>> > Similarly to the previous point, you also need to check the signature,
>>> > which will always be there.
>>> You are right. This one should be removed.
>>> >
>>> >    (d)  Authorization Server is providing an endpoint that provides a
>>> >         Request Object URI in exchange for a Request Object.  In this
>>> >
>>> > I don't think this is a complete sentence (and it's definitely not a
>>> > parallel construction with (a)-(c)!).  I think perhaps a crisp one-line
>>> > summary of this method would be "Delegating the authorization check to
>>> a
>>> > separate "Request Object to Request Object URI" endpoint on the
>>> > Authorization Server".  (The writing in the rest of this paragraph
>>> could
>>> > also use an editing pass.)
>>> Thanks for pointing it out. Changing as follows would be ok?
>>> (d) When Authorization Server is providing an endpoint that provides a
>>> Request Object URI in exchange for a Request Object,
>>> the Authorization Server MUST perform Client
>>> Authentication to accept the Request Object and bind the Client
>>> Identifier to the Request Object URI it is providing. Since
>>> Request Object URI can be replayed, the lifetime of the Request
>>> Object URI MUST be short and preferably one-time use. The
>>> entropy of the Request Object URI MUST be sufficiently large.
>>> The adequate shortness of the validity and the entropy of the
>>> Request Object URI depends on the risk calculation based on the
>>> value of the resource being protected. A general guidance for
>>> the validity time would be less than a minute and the Request
>>> Object URI is to include a cryptographic random value of 128bit
>>> or more at the time of the writing of this specification.
>>> >
>>> >    (e)  A third party, such as a Trust Framework Provider, provides an
>>> >         endpoint that provides a Request Object URI in exchange for a
>>> >         Request Object.  The same requirements as (b) above apply.  In
>>> >         addition, the Authorization Server MUST know out-of-band that
>>> >         the Client utilizes the Trust Framework Operator.
>>> >
>>> > The Authorization Server also has to trust the third-party provider to
>>> > actually do its job and not misbehave, right?
>>> Yes. I will add wording around it.
>>> >
>>> > Section 10.3
>>> >
>>> > I'm not entirely sure what "[t]he endpoints that come into question in
>>> > this specification" is supposed to mean -- is it just "the OAuth 2.0
>>> > endpoints presently defined in Standards-Track RFCs"?
>>> Yes. RFC6749, RFC6750, and RFC8414.
>>> >
>>> >    In [RFC6749], while Redirection URI is included, others are not
>>> >    included in the Authorization Request.  As the result, the same
>>> >    applies to Authorization Request Object.
>>> >
>>> > nit: included in what?
>>> In the Authorization request.
>>> I thought it would be too onerous to state
>>> In [RFC6749], while Redirection URI is included in the Authorization
>>>> Request,
>>>> others are not included in the Authorization Request.  As the result,
>>>> the same
>>>> applies to Authorization Request Object.
>>> Would you like to add "in the Authorization Request" as above?
>>> >
>>> > Section 10.4
>>> >
>>> > It's probably also worth citing the generic URI security considerations
>>> > from RFC 3986, here.
>>> I will do so. Thanks.
>>> >
>>> > Section 10.4.1
>>> >
>>> >    "request_uri", and (d) do not perform recursive GET on the
>>> >    "request_uri".
>>> >
>>> > nit: remove the "do" in order to make the construction parallel.
>>> Thanks. I will do so.
>>> >
>>> > Section 12.1
>>> >
>>> >    It is often hard for the user to find out if the personal data asked
>>> >    for is strictly necessary.  A Trust Framework Provider can help the
>>> >    user by examining the Client request and comparing to the proposed
>>> >    processing by the Client and certifying the request.  After the
>>> >    certification, the Client, when making an Authorization Request, can
>>> >    submit Authorization Request to the Trust Framework Provider to
>>> >    obtain the Request Object URI.
>>> >
>>> > side note: In my head the act of certification was the act of making
>>> the
>>> > translation to a Request Object URI, so I'm kind of curious where my
>>> > vision differs from reality.
>>> So, I should probably expand the text.
>>> The process is two steps:
>>> 1. (Certification Process) The TFP examines the business process of the
>>> client and determines what claims they needs: This is the certification
>>> process. Once the client is certified, then they are issued a client
>>> credential to authenticate against to push request objects to the TFP to
>>> get the request_uri.
>>> 2. (Translation Process) The client uses the client credential that it
>>> got to push the request object to the TFP to get the request_uri.
>>> >
>>> > The third paragraph seems to mostly just be describing the procedure of
>>> > how this flow works, which would not necessarily be specific to the
>>> > privacy considerations section.
>>> The third paragraph is also important from the privacy point of view.
>>> In a trust framework that has a policy to only allow TFP vetted request
>>> object,
>>> then the Authorization Server must make sure that it was.
>>> One way to do it is to check the authority section.
>>> >
>>> > Section 12.2.2
>>> >
>>> >    Even if the protected resource does not include a personally
>>> >    identifiable information, it is sometimes possible to identify the
>>> >    user through the Request Object URI if persistent per-user Request
>>> >    Object URI is used.  A third party may observe it through browser
>>> >
>>> > nit: need an article for "persistent per-user Request Object URI" (or
>>> > make it plural, as "URIs are used").
>>> Thanks. I will fix it.
>>> >
>>> >    Therefore, per-user Request Object URI should be avoided.
>>> >
>>> > nit: I think this is better as "static per-user Requeste Object URIs"..
>>> Thanks. I will fix it.
>>> >
>>> > Section 13
>>> >
>>> > Are there two different paragraphs for "contributions from the OAuth WG
>>> > members"?  Are they reflecting different types of contribution?
>>> Thanks. I have merged them.
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>>> --
>>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
>>> http://nat.sakimura.org/
>>> @_nat_en
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> OAuth mailing list
>>> OAuth@ietf.org
>>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth
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> --
> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
> http://nat.sakimura.org/
> @_nat_en

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