Filip, thank you for your reply. Additional remarks inline.

On 25.07.2019 21:14, Filip Skokan wrote:
See my reply inline.

S pozdravem,
*Filip Skokan*

On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 at 19:57, Танги Ле Пенс < <>> wrote:

    In, it
    is stated that an error is to be returned when the object request is
    invalid. These errors are "invalid_request_uri" and

    However, to which redirect URI redirect in the following cases:
    * the request object is invalid (eg. invalid signature), should we
use client_id/redirect_uri of the invalid request object?
    * the request URI could not be reached
    * the request object is encrypted and cannot be decrypted (bad key)

FS: if the client_id & redirect_uri combination is valid (the uri is valid for that client) - yes, its fine to use those (dtto state). this applies to all three

It doesn't apply to an encrypted object that cannot be decrypted.

    Would it be acceptable to use the "client_id" and "redirect_uri"
    query parameters in such a case? Although it contradicts the current
    specification which states that they shall not be used, and it would
    defeat confidentiality when using encryption.

FS: how would it defeat confidentiality?
If you use a JWE in the first place, it's so that the parameters cannot be read on the wire.

    Another option is not redirecting and displaying the error message on
    the AS, like when the client_id is unknown for instance.

FS: also an acceptable outcome, one with no caveats

Except degraded UI for the end user, if we assume that an error on the client side is easier to manage that a cryptic error on the AS with no link back to the client. Also, the client could have a retry strategy (it might just be that the request object at the request object URI is expired, due to network latency, etc.).

So if my understanding is correct, it's up to the implementer to make a decision on this point? Couldn't it lead to incompatibility, divergent implementations?

    Also I don't get the example in

    in regards to the following statement in :

        The client MAY send the parameters included in the request object
        duplicated in the query parameters as well for the backward
        compatibility etc.  However, the authorization server
    supporting this
        specification MUST only use the parameters included in the request

    My understanding is that "response_type", "client_id" and "state"
    be ignored by a JAR-compliant OAuth2 server. Isn't it confusing to
    them to the example?

FS: they will only be ignored IF they are also part of the request object so i believe its fine to have them part of this example.

It's seems ambiguous to me when reading the specification. states that:

A Request Object (Section 2.1  
<>) is used 
to provide authorization
   request parameters for an OAuth 2.0 authorization request.  It MUST
   contains all the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749  <>] 
authorization request parameters
   including extension parameters.

So there'd be no such thing as "client_id" and "redirect_uri" as query parameters, and other parameters members of the request object in my interpretation.

In OpenID Connect you can indeed have both, the request object's parameters having precedence over query parameters (

When the request parameter is used, the OpenID Connect request parameter values contained in the JWT supersede those passed using the OAuth 2.0 request syntax. However, parameters MAY also be passed using the OAuth 2.0 request syntax even when a Request Object is used; this would typically be done to enable a cached, pre-signed (and possibly pre-encrypted) Request Object value to be used containing the fixed request parameters, while parameters that can vary with each request, such as state and nonce, are passed as OAuth 2.0 parameters.

What do you think?

    Maybe I've missed something?


-- Tangui

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