Wouldn’t that contradict the security topics BCP?

Odesláno z iPhonu

23. 7. 2019 v 9:44, Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com>:

> Technically it could be optional, but it means that a CSRF attempt will only 
> be detected by the AS not by the client. If we consider the possibility of a 
> malicious AS, then this could allow Login CSRF attacks against the client. 
> The client would also have to be sure that the AS actually implements PKCE. 
> So I think it’s safer to leave the recommendation as-is. 
>> On 23 Jul 2019, at 08:28, Dominick Baier <dba...@leastprivilege.com> wrote:
>> Forgot one more thing
>> In 7.1
>> Browser-based apps MUST use the OAuth 2.0 "state" parameter to
>>    protect themselves against Cross-Site Request Forgery and
>>    authorization code swap attacks and MUST use a unique value for each
>>    authorization request, and MUST verify the returned state in the
>>    authorization response matches the original state the app created.
>> Isn’t state optional when PKCE is used?
>> thanks
>> ———
>> Dominick
>>> On 22. July 2019 at 08:14:33, Dominick Baier (dba...@leastprivilege.com) 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hey, 
>>> Just read the spec - good to see the progress. Some feedback:
>>> I am yet undecided if I like the categorisation of the “Application 
>>> Architecture Patterns”. I definitely want to distinguish between 
>>> applications only accessing same-site back-end services and “others”. Not 
>>> sure if “dynamic application server" and “static application server” should 
>>> be handled differently - they are deployment details and should not decide 
>>> on the application security architecture. Also not sure how realistic it is 
>>> to deploy a typical applications solely from e.g. a CDN. But I don’t have 
>>> the right answer wrt to categories right now.
>>> 6.1.  Apps Served from a Common Domain as the Resource Server
>>> > OAuth and OpenID Connect provide very little benefit in this
>>>    deployment scenario, so it is recommended to reconsider whether you
>>>    need OAuth or OpenID Connect at all in this case.
>>> I think you are mixing authentication and API access here. Depending on 
>>> application scenario it makes a lot of sense to use OIDC - but rely on the 
>>> resulting session to control API access. 
>>> Unless you want to dive into the details here, I suggest you remove the 
>>> mention of OIDC because it is misleading.
>>> 6.2.  Apps Served from a Dynamic Application Server
>>> I have a .NET sample for that 
>>> https://github.com/leastprivilege/AspNetCoreSecuritySamples/tree/aspnetcore21/BFF
>>> And a blog post
>>> https://leastprivilege.com/2019/01/18/an-alternative-way-to-secure-spas-with-asp-net-core-openid-connect-oauth-2-0-and-proxykit/
>>> 9.7. Content-Security Policy
>>>    A browser-based application that wishes to use either long-lived
>>>    refresh tokens or privileged scopes SHOULD restrict its JavaScript
>>>    execution to a set of statically hosted scripts via a Content
>>>    Security Policy ([CSP2]) or similar mechanism.
>>> I would rather say that ANY JS app should use CSP to lock down the browser 
>>> features to a minimal attack surface. In addition, if refresh or access 
>>> tokens are involved - further settings like disabling inline scripting 
>>> (unsafe inline) and eval should be disabled.
>>> Thanks for doing this work!
>>> ———
>>> Dominick
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