On Wed, May 01, 2019 at 11:32:40PM -0700, Paul Querna wrote:
> Hi all,
> HTTP Request Signing
> >   o  "http_method": The HTTP method for the request to which the JWT is
> >      attached, in upper case ASCII characters, as defined in [RFC7231]
> >      (REQUIRED).
> >
> >   o  "http_uri": The HTTP URI used for the request, without query and
> >      fragment parts (REQUIRED).
> HTTP Request signing may be a quagmire that this spec wishes to avoid,
> but it seems very hard to avoid "fixing" it for at-scale adoption.
> With the Okta-hat on, I think this is one area we would like to see
> some iteration on.  I think it would be ideal to not require multiple
> client sign() and server validate() PKI operations per request, so
> this is where combining DPoP-Proof and a Request Signature start
> making sense to me.
> Keeping it simple, there are two approaches for DPoP for adding
> attesting about the HTTP Request:
>   a) Adding parts of the HTTP Request as claims
>   b) Adding a hash of an HTTP Request as a claim
> For option (b), it seems like part of this could live in a separate spec:
>  1) request canonicalization
>  2) request hashing
> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-11> does
> cover request canonicalization, but the hashing is part of the
> specific signature scheme.  From an implementors POV, layering
> draft-cavage-http-signatures-11 in addition to DPoP is annoying since
> it would take two sign or verify key operations per request.

I haven't had a chance to read the linked draft, but we've also seen some
activity recently around
and linked/related drafts, which are also working in a similar space.


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