> On 26. Apr 2019, at 16:35, George Fletcher <gffle...@aol.com> wrote:
> Look at this in more detail... what about calling it "transactional_scope" 
> instead of "structured_scope" as the scope is specific to an individual 
> transaction and not applicable across transactions. That would then separate 
> it from the more capability based 'scope' provided by OAuth2.

There are cases, where the scope/token is applicable across multiple requests 
for a longer period. A request for access to account information service, for 
example, would look like this:


> In this context I like the pushed-request-object method as the resource 
> server is going to need to pull the same transactional requirements when it 
> receives the access token.

All in one place :-)


> Thanks,
> George
> On 4/26/19 10:17 AM, George Fletcher wrote:
>> On 4/25/19 1:54 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
>>> Am 25.04.2019 um 17:03 schrieb George Fletcher <gffle...@aol.com>:
>>>> A couple of thoughts...
>>>> 1. It doesn't feel like these are scopes (at least not as scope is defined 
>>>> by RFC 6749). It feels like they are more transaction requirements.
>>> What???s the difference? In my opinion, if you authorize a transaction 
>>> it???s the same. Moreover, in other use cases (account information) it a 
>>> complex requirement for a potentially long lasting grant.
>>> In both cases, they describe the request power of the token == it???s scope.
>> I guess I look at scope as "authorized to transfer" maybe something like 
>> "authorized to transfer up to 10K". However the details of which account to 
>> take the money from and the account of where to put the money are not 
>> aspects of the scope but rather restrictions on the transaction. 
>> It may be fine to have a model where the client tells the AS what 
>> transaction it wants to perform for the purpose of getting consent from the 
>> user to perform that transaction... but I don't think the details of the 
>> transaction should be considered scope(s).
>> For me.. scope is a capability the client is authorized to perform... "send 
>> an Instant message", or "read a buddy list".
>>>> 2. The schemas are going to be very ecosystem specific, correct?
>>> API (e.g. all psd2 standards), ecosystem, single deployment - just like 
>>> ???traditional??? scope values
>> Again, I would want the transaction requirements to be part of the API not 
>> part of the scope. In my mind, the authorization token should convey the 
>> client is authorized to perform a set of actions (capabilities) and then the 
>> API parameters define the exact details of that particular transaction.
>>>> On 4/24/19 1:08 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sascha,
>>>>> I see. I assume every element within the structured scope element to be 
>>>>> an independent scope (value) object and intended to use the name of that 
>>>>> object as kind of content type definition. 
>>>>> In my last example, the scope is defined as 
>>>>>    "structured_scope":{  
>>>>>       "sign":{  
>>>>>          "credentialID":"qes_eidas",
>>>>>          "documentDigests":[  
>>>>>             {  
>>>>>                "hash":
>>>>>                  "sTOgwOm+474gFj0q0x1iSNspKqbcse4IeiqlDg/HWuI=",
>>>>>                "label":"Mobile Subscription Contract"
>>>>>             }
>>>>>          ],
>>>>>          "hashAlgorithmOID":"2.16.840."
>>>>>       },
>>>>>       "payment":{  
>>>>>          "type":"sepa-credit-transfer",
>>>>>          "instructedAmount":{  
>>>>>             "currency":"EUR",
>>>>>             "amount":"123.50"
>>>>>          },
>>>>>          "debtorAccount":{  
>>>>>             "iban":"DE40100100103307118608"
>>>>>          },
>>>>>          "creditorName":"Merchant123",
>>>>>          "creditorAccount":{  
>>>>>             "iban":"DE02100100109307118603"
>>>>>          },
>>>>>          "remittanceInformationUnstructured":"new Smartphone"
>>>>>       }
>>>>> This means ???sign" and ???payment" would determine the scheme of the 
>>>>> respective object. 
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> best regards, 
>>>>> Torsten. 
>>>>>> On 23. Apr 2019, at 17:14, Sascha Preibisch <saschapreibi...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Torsten!
>>>>>> If 'structured_scope' would become a generic field for application
>>>>>> specific content, I believe an indicator for the type of content would
>>>>>> be needed on the long run. That is what I meant my 'profile'. I hope
>>>>>> this helps!
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Sascha
>>>>>> Am Mo., 22. Apr. 2019 um 22:06 Uhr schrieb Torsten Lodderstedt
>>>>>> <tors...@lodderstedt.net>
>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Hi Sascha,
>>>>>>>> Am 22.04.2019 um 20:34 schrieb Sascha Preibisch 
>>>>>>>> <saschapreibi...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> Thank you for the article, Torsten!
>>>>>>> my pleasure :-)
>>>>>>>> I like that 'scope' is out of the game for these kinds of 
>>>>>>>> authorizations.
>>>>>>>> What I can see for the general use case is a required identifier
>>>>>>>> within the 'structures_scope' document that identifies the profile it
>>>>>>>> should be used for.
>>>>>>> What does profile mean in this context?
>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>> Torsten.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Sascha
>>>>>>>> Am Sa., 20. Apr. 2019 um 11:21 Uhr schrieb Torsten Lodderstedt
>>>>>>>> <tors...@lodderstedt.net>
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> I just published an article about the subject at: 
>>>>>>>>> https://medium.com/oauth-2/transaction-authorization-or-why-we-need-to-re-think-oauth-scopes-2326e2038948
>>>>>>>>> I look forward to getting your feedback.
>>>>>>>>> kind regards,
>>>>>>>>> Torsten.
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