Corollary to this, are there thoughts of header protection under this method, and the associated issue of header modification?
— Justin On Apr 8, 2019, at 7:23 PM, Phil Hunt <<>> wrote: Question. One of the issues that Justin Richer’s signing draft tried to address was url modification by tls terminators/load balencers/proxies/api gateways etc. How do you see this issue in dpop? Is it a problem? Phil On Apr 3, 2019, at 9:01 AM, George Fletcher <<>> wrote: Perfect! Thank you! A couple comments on version 01... POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host:<> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 DPoP-Binding: eyJhbGciOiJSU0ExXzUi ... grant_type=authorization_code &code=SplxlOBeZQQYbYS6WxSbIA &redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcb (remainder of JWK omitted for brevity) I believe the "(remainder of JWK..." should be moved to the DPoP-Binding header... Also, there is no discussion of the DPoP-Binding header outside of the token request, but I suspect that is the desired way to communicate the DPoP-Proof to the RS. Possibly an example in the session for presenting the token to the RS would help. Thanks, George On 4/3/19 11:39 AM, Daniel Fett wrote: This is fixed in -01:<> -Daniel Am 03.04.19 um 17:28 schrieb George Fletcher: A quick question regarding... o "http_uri": The HTTP URI used for the request, without query and fragment parts (REQUIRED). Is 'without' supposed to be 'with' ? The example shows the http_uri *with* the query parameters :) On 3/28/19 6:17 AM, Daniel Fett wrote: Hi all, I published the first version of the DPoP draft at<> Abstract This document defines a sender-constraint mechanism for OAuth 2.0 access tokens and refresh tokens utilizing an application-level proof-of-possession mechanism based on public/private key pairs. Thanks for the feedback I received so far from John, Mike, Torsten, and others during today's session or before! If you find any errors I would welcome if you open an issue in the GitHub repository at<> - Daniel _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list<><> _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list<> _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list<>
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