Thanks, this is a good question. I was talking with someone about this
draft the other day and had the same question myself. Re-reading RFC6749,
"public client" does describe only the limitation of the client protecting
its own credentials, so I think you're right that this paragraph is
misleading. However I suspect that some ASs will still want to treat
clients where the access token ends up in the browser differently. Is that
a fair assessment? I think the fix to this paragraph would be a slight
rewording to just remove the mention of public clients.


On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 8:53 AM George Fletcher <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In section 6.2 the following statement is made...
>    In this scenario, the backend component may be a confidential client
>    which is issued its own client secret.  Despite this, there are still
>    some ways in which this application is effectively a public client,
>    as the end result is the application's code is still running in the
>    browser and visible to the user.
> I'm curious as to how this model is different from many existing resource
> server deployments acting as confidential clients. While the application
> code is running in the browser, only the access token is exposed to the
> browser as is the case for many RS deployments where the RS returns the
> access token to the browser after the authorization flow completes. My
> interpretation of "confidential client" does not include whether the
> client's code is "visible" to externals or not, but rather whether the
> client can protect the secret.
> In that sense I don't believe this deployment model is "effectively a
> public client". A hybrid model description is fine, and I don't disagree
> that some authorization servers may want to treat these clients in a
> different way.
> Thanks,
> George
Aaron Parecki
@aaronpk <>
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