On 9 Jan 2019, at 05:54, David Waite <da...@alkaline-solutions.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 28, 2018, at 3:55 PM, Brian Campbell 
>> <bcampbell=40pingidentity....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> <snip>
>> All of that is meant as an explanation of sorts to say that I think that 
>> things are actually okay enough as is and that I'd like to retract the 
>> proposal I'd previously made about the MTLS draft introducing a new AS 
>> metadata parameter. It is admittedly interesting (ironic?) that Neil sent a 
>> message in support of the proposal as I was writing this. It did give me 
>> pause but ultimately didn't change my opinion that it's not worth it to add 
>> this new AS metadata parameter.
> Note that the AS could make a decision based on the token endpoint request - 
> such as a policy associated with the “client_id”, or via a parameter in the 
> ilk of “client_assertion_type” indicating MTLS was desired by this public 
> client installation. The AS could then to TLS 1.2 renegotiation, 1.3 
> post-handshake client authentication, or even use 307 temporary redirects to 
> another token endpoint to perform mutual authentication.

Renegotiation is an intriguing option, but it has some practical difficulties. 
Our AS product runs in a Java servlet container, where it is pretty much 
impossible to dynamically trigger renegotiation without accessing private 
internal APIs of the container. I also don’t know how you could coordinate this 
in the common scenario where TLS is terminated at a load balancer/reverse proxy?

A 307 redirect could work though as the server will know if the client either 
uses mTLS for client authentication or has indicated that it wants 
certificate-bound access tokens, so it can redirect to a mTLS-specific endpoint 
in those cases.

> Both the separate metadata url and a “client_assertion_type”-like indicator 
> imply that the client has multiple forms of authentication and is choosing to 
> use MTLS. The URL in particular I’m reluctant to add support for, because I 
> see it more likely a client would use MTLS without knowing it (via a 
> device-level policy being applied to a public web or native app) than the 
> reverse, where a single client (represented by a single client_id) is 
> dynamically picking between forms of authentication.

That’s an interesting observation. Can you elaborate on the sorts of device 
policy you are talking about? I am aware of e.g. mobile device management being 
used to push client certificates to iOS devices, but I think these are only 
available in Safari.

— Neil
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