On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 03:55:15PM -0700, Brian Campbell wrote:
> The observed behavior of the browsers surveyed seems logical and rather
> reasonable (and better than the last time I futzed with it). Importantly it
> means that for the situation described in the email that started this
> thread (a javascript client making a fetch/XHR request to an MTLS token
> endpoint), users using browsers that are not configured with, or have
> access to, any client keys/certs will not see any UI prompt at all. I
> suspect that not having client certs set up is the situation for the vast
> majority of users and their browsers. And for those that do have client

Is this still true when we limit to the set of users/browsers that are
employees of big corporations?


> certs set up, I think they are more likely to be the kind of user that is
> able to deal with the UI prompt okay.

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