

> On Dec 18, 2018, at 10:14 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> 
> wrote:
> Hi Hannes, 
> while I think the current text needs some substantial work, I support the 
> adoption of this draft as a working group document. I also think we need to 
> carefully define the boundaries between the Security BCP and the SPA BCP in 
> order to prevent unnecessary duplications and inconsistencies.
> Here are my review comments:
> "OAuth 2.0 authorization requests from apps running entirely in a
>   browser are unable to use a Client Secret during the process, since
>   they have no way to keep a secret confidential.“
> Although I think that’s an important aspect I’m wondering why the draft 
> starts with it? I don’t think this is the most important message. If the 
> intend is to align with https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8252, I would propose 
> something like
> „OAuth 2.0 authorization requests from browser based apps should only be made
>   using the code flow. …"
> Section 3
> "Browser-based application":  An application that runs entirely in a
>      web browser, usually written in JavaScript, where the source code
>      is downloaded from a domain prior to execution.  Also sometimes
>      referred to as a "single-page application", or "SPA“.
> I think this definition is too narrow, which also limits applicability of 
> this draft. I would argue a browser based application runs portions of its 
> logic in the browser but not necessarily the entire app. Most browser based 
> apps have a backend in the same way as mobile apps have a backend. I think 
> for the purpose of this draft the fact that the UI is controlled from within 
> the browser, uses browser APIs and underlies browser security mechanisms & 
> restrictions is much more important. Moreover, the source code not even needs 
> to be downloaded for every execution due to browser caching. 
> My proposal:
> "Browser-based application":  An application that is dynamically 
>      downloaded and executed in a web browser, usually written in 
>     JavaScript. Also sometimes referred to as a "single-page application", or 
> "SPA“.
> Section 4
> "Require the OAuth 2.0 state parameter" -> "Use the the state parameter to 
> carry one-time use CSRF tokens"
> "...require the
>      hostname of the redirect URI match the hostname of the URL the app
>      was served from“ 
> Are we sure there are no legit reasons to receive the redirect at another 
> host? Is the AS supposed to determine the app's origin from the referrer 
> header?
> "Previously it was recommended that browser-based applications use the
>   OAuth 2.0 Implicit flow. …“
> I suggest to mention broad adoption of CORS after publication of RFC 6749 as 
> reason why the shift towards code is possible now.
> Section 5
> „To conform to this best practice, first-party applications using
>   OAuth or OpenID Connect MUST use an OAuth Authorization Code flow as
>   described later in this document or use the OAuth Password grant."
> It does not feel well for me to read „MUST" and "Password grant“ in the same 
> sentence. I'm in favor to just recommend 1st party apps to use code for 
> reasons x, y, z and not mention password.
> I also think the arguments are more dominante when formatted as bullet list.
> Section 6
> "In some cases, it may make sense to avoid the use of a strictly
>   browser-based OAuth application entirely, instead using an
>   architecture that can provide better security.“
> Reads like OAuth implies degraded app security?
> 6.1.
> „For simple system architectures, such as when the JavaScript
>   application is served from the same domain as the API (resource
>   server) being accessed, it is likely a better decision to avoid using
>   OAuth entirely, and just use session authentication to communicate
>   with the API.“
> What do you mean by same domain? same second level domain? same host? I'm not 
> sure what this text want to convey.
> Section 6.2.
> 2nd paragraph „….The backend component essentially becomes a new 
> authorization server“
> I get the message, but the term "authorization server" misled me when I read 
> the text for the first time. I was under the impression, your are proposing 
> OAuth as communication protocol between an app's front and backend. This is 
> possible but just one option. I suggest to remove the term. It does not 
> really help.
> 3rd paragraph „In this scenario, the backend component may be a confidential 
> client
>   which is issued its own client secret. „
> Confidential clients can use various authentication methods, „secret" 
> misleads reader towards traditional client secrets. private_key_jwt and mTLS 
> are possible (and better options). 
> „Despite this, there are still
>   some ways in which this application is effectively a public client,
>   as the end result is the application's code is still running in the
>   browser and visible to the user.“
> Why does this make the SPA a public client? I see the risk of a browser based 
> app (and every kind of attacker) to access protected APIs through the 
> backend. That's the reason why I think the backend should never directly 
> expose (== just proxy) the underlying RS APIs. The interface between front 
> and backend must be narrowed down to the specific use case AND the current 
> state of the app. For example, if the app is in "check out" state it makes 
> sense to initiate a payment but in no other state.  
> General remark: I would suggest to restructure section 6 to describe the 
> potential architectures this BCP has in mind. From my perspective these are:
> - "pure" SPA
> - SPA w/ backend
> - SPA w/o OAuth (as fallback)
> Section 7.1
> „Public browser-based apps MUST implement the Proof Key for Code extension to 
> OAuth, and authorization
>   servers MUST support PKCE for such clients."
> Any client MUST use PKCE (see Security BCP) - PKCE is used beyond 
> interception prevention to detect injection. Please refer to section 2.1 of 
> the security BCP it has all the details.
> Section 7.2
> „Authorization servers SHOULD require an exact match of a registered
>   redirect URI."
> Please make it a MUST as stated in the Security BCP, Section 2.1
> „  If an authorization server wishes to provide some flexibility in
>   redirect URI usage to clients, it MAY require that only the hostname
>   component of the redirect URI match the hostname of the URL the
>   application is served from.“
> Why do you soften the Security BCP requirements? That's the road to open 
> redirection!
> Section 8
> This section lacks a motivation for RT usage. In my opinion, there are two 
> reasons: 
> (1) use RTs instead of refresh via authorization code flow (to cope with 
> ITP2). 
> (2) be able to issue short lived and privilege restricted access tokens in 
> order to limit the impact of access token leakage at resource servers.
> Both are good reasons that deserve dedicated discussions. I therefore suggest 
> to split & change Section 8 into two sections, „Access Token Refresh" and 
> „Access Token Replay Mitigation".
> The section on access token mitigation should discuss potential options, 
> including 
> - Token Binding 
> - mTLS
> - RT rotation
> …
> Section 9.1
> This BCP describes different SPA design where such apps can be either public 
> or confidential. So I would not preclude confidential clients.
> Section 9.4
> You might want to refer to the Security BCP as it has more details on this 
> topic. 
> I would also suggest to add use of CORS for CSRF protection in the browser 
> (see https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg18591.html) since 
> it is SPA specific. 
> Section 9.6. 
> I would argue enabling CORS is not a security consideration but a functional 
> requirement towards the AS.
> 2nd paragraph
> CORS and authorization of GET&POST requests plays a vital role in CSRF 
> prevention if the access tokens are conveyed in a cookie as well as for any 
> automatic way to add authorization headers to outbound requests (see above). 
> So I think it must be managed properly.
> Section 9.7
> Why do you bind CSP to RTs or long living access tokens. Isn’t this anyway a 
> good idea to prevent XSS?
> Section 9.8.6
> injection is neglected - I think you could just refer to the Security BCP for 
> the discussion of the risks associated with implicit. If any threat is 
> missing there, we can add it there. 
> „In OpenID Connect, …“ 
> Not clear to me what this text shall convey. Is it a statement in favor of 
> issuing id tokens in the back channel in OIDC?
> Section 9.8.7
> I would put this text in a motivation section along with the explanation why 
> CORS adoption allows code adoption for SPAs in the introduction of the BCP.
> kind regards,
> Torsten. 
>> Am 17.12.2018 um 22:01 schrieb Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@arm.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> We would like to get a confirmation on the mailing list for the adoption of 
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-parecki-oauth-browser-based-apps-02 as a 
>> starting point for a BCP document about *OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Apps*.
>> Please, let us know if you support or object to the adoption of this 
>> document by Jan. 7th 2019.
>> Ciao
>> Hannes & Rifaat
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