We don’t issue expires_in for two reasons

1) we have variable length access tokens who’s lifetime can be
extended through activity and we find clients misinterpret expires_in
to be absolute (or have no practical means of finding out when it

2) we find it actually makes things worse - with proactive knowledge
of when a token expires, aggressive clients tend to keep it alive or
proactively refresh the token.  As a result the intent to limit the
length of the access token actually causes it to be extended in

> On Dec 18, 2018, at 4:17 AM, Ludwig Seitz <ludwig.se...@ri.se> wrote:
>> On 18/12/2018 12:59, David Waite wrote:
>> My understanding was that this parameter was advisory to the client -
>> it neither mandated the client discard the token after the expires_in
>> time, nor has a requirement that the token is no longer honored by
>> protected resouces at that point in time (vs earlier or later).
> That is my understanding as well, I would however have expected that this 
> parameter would be aligned with the 'exp' claim of the token.
> /Ludwig
> --
> Ludwig Seitz, PhD
> Security Lab, RISE
> Phone +46(0)70-349 92 51
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