I still don’t understand why the use case must be solved using a flow issuing 
something in the front channel. 

I would also like to take a closer look. Can you or Nat provide pointers to 
existing implementations? 

> Am 27.11.2018 um 21:36 schrieb John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com>:
> I understand that, but hat is Nat's concern as I understand it.
> When we say no implicit people, have a problem because implicit is imprecise.
> We are saying no AT returned in the response from the authorization endpoint.
> Nat points out that id_token may contain AT for the self issued client.
> So unless we say that is OK if the AT are sender constrained we wind up 
> implying that a OpenID profile of OAuth is in violation of the BCP.
> I am just trying to make sure everyone is on the same page with why Nat was 
> -1.
> It really has nothing to do with the SPA use case.
> John B.
>> On 11/27/2018 5:28 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> as you said, self issued IDPs 
>> (https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#SelfIssued) are 
>> supposed to provide the response type „id_token“ only. I don’t think the 
>> proposal being discussed here is related to this OIDC mode.
>> best regards,
>> Torsten.
>>> Am 27.11.2018 um 20:54 schrieb John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com>:
>>> I talked to Nat about this a bit today.
>>> The thing he is concerned about is mostly around the self issued IDP that 
>>> doesn't have a token endpoint(atleast not easaly).
>>> The main use case for that is the id_token response type where claims are 
>>> retuned in the id_token.
>>> Because it is fragment encoded some people call that implicit.   That is 
>>> not what we are trying to stop.
>>> In some cases in that flow there may be distributed claims returned with 
>>> access Token inside the id_token.    I think most people would agree that 
>>> those should be pop or sender constrained tokens.
>>> In the case of self issued the RP would be a server and could do sender 
>>> constrained via some mechinisim that is yet to be defined.
>>> So if someone wanted to return a access token in a id_token to do 
>>> distributed claims I don't think we have a problem with that as long as the 
>>> token is protected by being sender constrained in some reasonable way.
>>> This is a touch hypothetical from the basic OAuth perspective, so I don't 
>>> know how deep we want to go into it.
>>> I think the point is not to accidently prohibit something that could be 
>>> done in future.
>>> I also think we should not conflate confidential clients that can 
>>> authenticate to the token endpoint with sender constrained/PoP clients that 
>>> can deal with bound tokens.   Yes both have keys but it is better to 
>>> describe them separately.
>>> John B.
>>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018, 4:30 PM Torsten Lodderstedt via Openid-specs-ab 
>>> <openid-specs...@lists.openid.net wrote:
>>> Hi Nat,
>>> I understand you are saying your draft could provide clients with an 
>>> application level mechanism to sender constrain access tokens. That’s great!
>>> But I don’t see a binding to response type „token id_token“. Why do you 
>>> want to expose the tokens via the URL to attackers?
>>> You could easily use your mechanism with code. That would also give you the 
>>> chance to really authenticate the confidential client before you issue the 
>>> token.
>>> kind regards,
>>> Torsten.
>>>> Am 27.11.2018 um 16:57 schrieb Nat Sakimura <sakim...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I am not talking about SPA.
>>>> The client is a regular confidential client that is running on a server..
>>>> Best,
>>>> Nat Sakimura
>>>> 2018年11月27日(火) 16:55 Jim Manico <j...@manicode.com>:
>>>> Nat,
>>>> How is proof of possession established in a modern web browser in the 
>>>> implicit flow?
>>>> My understanding is that token binding was removed from Chrome recently 
>>>> effectively killing browser-based PoP tokens.
>>>> https://identiverse.com/2018/10/31/chrome-puts-token-binding-in-a-bind/
>>>> Am I missing something?
>>>> Aloha, Jim
>>>>> On 11/27/18 9:00 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
>>>>> I am actually -1.
>>>>> +1 for public client and the tokens that are not sender/key constrained.
>>>>> Just not being used right now does not mean that it is not useful.. In 
>>>>> fact, I see it coming.
>>>>> Implicit (well, Hybrid “token id_token” really) is very useful in certain 
>>>>> cases.
>>>>> Specifically, when the client is confidential (based on public key pair), 
>>>>> and uses sender constrained (key-constrained) token such as the one 
>>>>> explained in 
>>>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sakimura-oauth-jpop-04#section-5, it is 
>>>>> very useful.
>>>>> (Key-constrained token is the remaining portion of this draft that did 
>>>>> not get incorporated in the MTLS draft. )
>>>>> In fact it is the only viable method for Self-Issued OpenID Provider.
>>>>> So, the text is generally good but it needs to be constrained like 
>>>>> “Unless the client is confidential and the access token issued is key 
>>>>> constrained, ... “
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Nat Sakimura
>>>>> 2018年11月27日(火) 16:01 Vladimir Dzhuvinov <vladi...@connect2id.com>:
>>>>> +1 to recommend the deprecation of implicit.
>>>>> I don't see a compelling reason to keep implicit when there is an
>>>>> established alternative that is more secure.
>>>>> Our duty as WG is to give developers the best and most sensible practice.
>>>>> CORS adoption is currently at 94% according to
>>>>> https://caniuse.com/#feat=cors
>>>>> Vladimir
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>>>>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
>>>>> http://nat..sakimura.org/
>>>>> @_nat_en
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>>>>> OAuth mailing list
>>>>> OAuth@ietf.org
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Jim Manico
>>>> Manicode Security
>>>> https://www.manicode.com
>>>> -- 
>>>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>>>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
>>>> http://nat.sakimura.org/
>>>> @_nat_en
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>>>> OAuth@ietf.org
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