Would it make sense for these to be a different client_auth_method entirely? 
Much the same way that we have private_key_jwt and client_secret_jwt today, 
both of which use the JWT assertion framework but have very different keying 
and security assumptions. In the same way, here you’re still validating the 
cert but the means by which it’s validated is different, so the auth method is 
arguably not going to benefit from being overloaded. Caveat, I’ve not built out 
a system using SANs in any meaningful way.

If we were to do that, this draft could go forward as-is (since it’s fairly 
done in my opinion) and a new document could better define the semantics for 
the various SAN types, but while building on the framework and concepts listed 
in here.

— Justin

On Nov 6, 2018, at 3:52 PM, Evan Gilman 
<evan2...@gmail.com<mailto:evan2...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Response(s) inline

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 11:53 PM Neil Madden 
<neil.mad...@forgerock.com<mailto:neil.mad...@forgerock.com>> wrote:

Is there an intention that any semantics are attached to the SAN being a URI or 
DNS name or IP or ...? Or is it still intended to be an opaque identifier?

There are some extra things we could do if we attached type-specific
semantics to the matching (e.g. DNS wildcarding etc), however I think
that continuing to use the values as opaque identifiers would get us
most of what we need while keeping things simple.

On 6 Nov 2018, at 01:55, Brian Campbell 

Thanks Evan for bringing this to the WG's attention. More or less the same 
question/issue was raised yesterday in the area director's review of the 
document as well. I plan to bring this up as a discussion item in the meeting 
today. But my sense from some early discussions is that there is likely to be 
(rough) consensus to make some change in order to allow a SAN to be specified 
as the certificate subject identifier in the PKI client auth mode. We'll need 
to figure out the specifics of how that works. I don't think there are 
significant drawbacks to extending the number of client registration metadata 
parameters per se. I guess I've just been attracted to the idea of overloading 
the existing value because that felt like maybe a less invasive change. But 
perhaps that's shortsighted. And there's nothing inherently wrong with 
additional client metadata parameters.

I don't know if we could get away with a single new parameter that could carry 
the value for any SAN type. Something like, { ... "tls_client_auth_san": 
"spiffe://trust-domain/path" ...}. In practice I feel like that'd probably be 
okay but in theory there's the potential for confusion of the value across 
different types. So probably there's a need to indicate the SAN type too. 
Either with more client metadata parameters like tls_client_auth_san_uir, 
tls_client_auth_san_email, tls_client_auth_san_ip, etc. or maybe with a 
structured value of some sort like {... "tls_client_auth_san": {"type":"URI", 
"value":"spiffe://trust-domain/path"} ... }. And then deciding which types to 
support and if/how to allow for the extensible types.

I am far from an authority here, but it is my understanding that one
of the primary drivers in supporting SAN over Subject is that the
values are strongly typed. While some of the advantages gained from
this may be less useful in our own context, I feel that it make sense
to keep the values separate and not overload a single value. Whether
that means dedicated metadata parameters or a structured parameter
value, I am not sure what the tradeoffs would be, but both options
sound suitable to me.

Anyway, those are just some thoughts on it. And it'll be discussed more today. 
Suggested/proposed text is always helpful though (even if it's not used 
directly it can help move the conversation forward and/or help editor(s) to 
have prospective wording).

Great. I will work on some sample text since it sounds like that would
be generally helpful

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 5:53 AM Evan Gilman 
<evan2...@gmail.com<mailto:evan2...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hello everyone..

Very excited to see this draft. It helps tremendously in addressing
use cases around oauth client management in machine-to-machine
scenarios. Particularly, the PKI authentication method.

In reviewing the document, I noticed that the only supported method
for identifying a client using the PKI authentication method is by
referencing its distinguished name. This caught me a bit by surprise -
many newer projects aimed at automating X.509 issuance in the
datacenter utilize SAN extensions rather than distinguished name in
order to encode identity. I am further under the impression that the
community is, in general, moving away from the subject extension
altogether in favor of SAN-based identification.

Full disclosure: I am one of the maintainers on a project called
SPIFFE, which provides identity specifications for datacenter workload
applications. For X.509, SPIFFE encodes identity into a URI SAN
extension. A number of projects using SPIFFE do not configure the
subject with identifying information (SPIRE and Google Istio being
just a couple). I am also hearing of other X.509 automation projects
which are moving away from subject/distinguished name (even if they
are not using SPIFFE).

While I think support for distinguished name is absolutely necessary,
I worry that supporting it solely will render it incompatible with
some of the more modern PKIX systems and not stand the test of time. I
know that I am a little late to this, and for that I apologize... but
I feel this is a significant point.

I would like to open a discussion on supporting the most commonly used
SAN extension types in addition to distinguished name. To accomplish
this, amending section 2.1.2 `Client Registration Metadata` with
additional parameters seems appropriate. In my experience, the most
commonly used SAN extensions are: DNS name, IP address, URI, and email

Are there significant drawbacks to extending the number of client
registration metadata parameters? I would very much like to see this -
without it, many existing projects will be unable to use the spec. I
am happy to contribute time and text to this, assuming people feel
that this is a beneficial addition. Sorry again for the timing


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