Hi All,

I've just encountered a server that performs a redirect (back to the
client's redirect_uri) via POST instead of GET. This was surprising
behavior to me and broke my client implementation — but citing chapter and
verse, the server developer pointed out that
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-1.7 says

While the examples in this specification show the use of the HTTP 302
> status code, any other method available via the user-agent to accomplish
> this redirection is allowed and is considered to be an implementation
> detail.

Is triggering a POST-based redirect (e.g. with this technique
<https://gist.github.com/jmandel/4704d1efed8578a67a6f9b600ffd0c63)>) to the
redirect_url (including url query parameters for state and code) indeed
considered a "method available via the user-agent to accomplish this
redirection"? In other words, should a well-behaved OAuth client be
prepared to receive GETs as well as POSTs to its redirect_uri? If so, what
would be the considerations for a server choosing between GET and POST?


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