For browser apps, implicit flow provides an access token but no refresh token. For non-browser apps only client credentials grant doesn't supply a refresh token. As for token access times, I believe only extensions to OAuth define those types of capabilities. i.e. OpenID Connect defines a "max-age" claim that you can pass when requesting a token.

On 7/25/17 10:48 AM, Saurav Sarkar wrote:
Hi All,

We have a scenario where one of our stakeholder wants to mandatorily initiate the authentication at certain point of time.

As per there can be an option where access token is set for certain time and refresh token is not set. So we want to explore this option for this scenario.

I have couple of questions regarding this

(a) Is this option part of OAuth 2 specification ? If yes can you please point me to the exact IETF link ?

(b) Is there any other way our scenario can be achieved ? We want this scenario to be supported from the authorization server (platform) itself and not in the client app or resource server.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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