Dirk gave this preso nearly 2 years ago https://www.slideshare.net/
CloudIDSummit/cis-2015-intro-to-token-binding-over-http-cis-2015 which is
out of date but has the main concepts, I think. There's also this
http://www.browserauth.net/token-binding page by him.

I'm planing on a doing a presentation on Token Binding at CIS
<https://www.cloudidentitysummit.com> this summer. But that's not until
June and none of the content exists yet.

Otherwise the draft specs are probably the best bet at this point. And they
are all still in draft, though some are more stable than others, they may
still change.

Token Binding:

Application in OAuth:

Application in OpenID Connect:

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Jim Manico <j...@manicode.com> wrote:

> Hello OAuthers,
> I'm trying to get my head around token binding beyond the RFC. Are there
> any presentations or other media on token binding that any of you are aware
> of? My google-fu is coming up empty.
> Thanks and Aloha,
> - Jim
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