+1 for “cid”, consistent with other JWT claims.

 — Justin

> On Jun 20, 2016, at 5:21 PM, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> 
> wrote:
> There is a somewhat poorly worded open issue in Token Exchange about being 
> able to represent the client in the token. 
> There is currently no standard claim for the client in JWT while Token 
> Introspection defines a "client_id" parameter. It's maybe not the ideal place 
> for it but Token Exchange could define such a claim for JWT.
> I'm looking for some feedback from the WG on if/how to proceed with this in 
> Token Exchange. As I see it, there are basically 3 options:
> 1) Define and register a "client_id" JWT claim (consistent with the name in 
> Token Introspection) to carry the client id of the OAuth 2.0 client that 
> requested the token.
> 2) Define and register a "cid" JWT claim (consistent with the shorter names 
> typical for JWT) to carry the client id of the OAuth 2.0 client that 
> requested the token.
> 3) Do not define/register any new JWT claim for the client identifier (in the 
> Token Exchange draft anyway). 
> Feedback/preferences would be appreciated from the WG so as to make some 
> progress on the draft. 
> If pressed, I guess I'd lean towards option #1 myself. 
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