N.B: I sent the following email to
draft-ietf-oauth-device-f...@tools.ietf.org on 12th April but didn't
receive a reply so am reposting here:



I've been working on an implementation of the OAuth 2.0 Device Flow (as
described at https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-device-flow-01).

Please could the following points please be clarified:

Section 3.2: "The client requests an access token by making an HTTP "POST"
request to the token endpoint as described in Section 4.1.1 of [RFC6749]"

Should this actually say Section 4.1.3 of RFC6749 which is the Access Token
Request section for the authorisation code grant?

Assuming the above is true, should the `code` parameter POSTed to the
authorisation server  be the value of the `device_code` parameter returned
to the client in the initiating request?

Many thanks,

Alex Bilbie
OAuth mailing list

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