resource service X could be any http accessible service:

* Finance
* Payroll
* any application on the web.

The spec seems to suggest that we use /.well-known/crm to discover OAuth config 
for crm.  But that may cause conflict if crm has its own discovery. Which leads 
us down the path of doing something like “crm-oauth”.

Then there is confusion about what host the discovery is done on.

For example, hypothetically do I do:

GET /.well-known/crm

But what about the CRM’s configuration information. Is this stomping on it?

Or, what If we put the oauth configuration at the host for the crm service:
GET /.well-known/openid-configuration

I think the point is that there is a relationship between a protected resource 
and its designated OAuth service. 

The client needs to discover:
* Where is its designated resource service and what security does it use
* If it is OAuth, where is the intended OAuth configuration for that resource 
service instance?


@independentid <> 

> On Feb 18, 2016, at 7:19 AM, John Bradley <> wrote:
> Can you clarify what you mean by “resource service x”?
> Is that the RS base URI for the resource,  a specific URI that the client is 
> requesting?
> That is getting UMA ish. 
> The concept of a base RS URI is a rat hole that I prefer not to go down, as 
> it is something everyone thinks exists but like SCIM if it exists it is 
> protocol or deployment specific.
> The notion that you would send the URI you are planning on requesting to a 
> Webfinger server to find the OAuth server, is probably going to have privacy 
> issues.
> I suspect that you need to hand back a error from the resource to say where 
> the AS is, or have a .well-known for the RS.
> RS discovery probably wants to be separate from AS discovery.  (Yes I do 
> think we need something,  UMA rpt or something like it might be a way to go)
> John B.
>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 9:06 AM, Phil Hunt < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Maybe SCIM was a bad example.  It functions as a RESTful resource in the 
>> context of OAuth.
>> I find the use of OIDC to be confusing as an example (and the default) 
>> because it is both an OAuth resource and a security service.  It is a 
>> modification of OAuth.
>> Start thinking about every application ever written that uses OAuth. Are we 
>> expecting 100s of thousands of these to each register?
>> To me, this specification is a fine specification for OIDC and it should be 
>> published there because the specification defines how to discovery OAuth and 
>> OpenID information.
>> Likewise you suggest it is ok for SCIM to do the same. 
>> How do we expect normal applications to set up and do discovery?
>> It seems to me that an “OAUTH” discovery spec should have a parameter to 
>> ask, I want to discover OAuth configuration for resource service X.
>> That still allows me to have a separate discovery service that says, tell me 
>> about resource service X itself.
>> BTW. I think we are FAR from Last Call on this topic.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> <> 
>> <>
>>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:55 AM, John Bradley < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Diffrent protocols like Connect and SCIM may have different configurations, 
>>> endpoints , keys , authentication methods, scopes etc.
>>> It should be posable to have them as one document, but forcing them to use 
>>> one document is going to cause a explosion of claim registration for 
>>> discovery.
>>> I think it is better for SCIM to register one well known than to have to 
>>> register 20 claims with scim prefixes or something silly like that.
>>> Name-spacing the claims by allowing them to be in different well known 
>>> files is not unreasonable.
>>> Remember some of these protocols may be hosted on SaaS so there is no 
>>> guarantee that all protocols will have the same OAuth Config.
>>> Nothing stops a protocol from doing what it likes with webfinger if it 
>>> wants to use that for discovery.
>>> In principal I like the idea of having another protocol as an example.
>>> My only concern is that I haven’t seen any discussion of your SCIM 
>>> discovery document in the SCIM WG.  
>>> I personally think sorting out discovery for SCIM is a good idea,  but 
>>> OAUTh is but one of several authentication methods for SCIM, and there are 
>>> probably other non OAuth things that want to be described.
>>> I would feel better about using it as an example if it were adopted by the 
>>> WG and some general interest shown.
>>> I encourage you to do that so we can use it as a example.
>>> John B.
>>>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 8:35 AM, Phil Hunt < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> I still find the following text objectionable and confusing…
>>>>    By default, for historical reasons, unless an application-specific
>>>>    well-known URI path suffix is registered and used for an application,
>>>>    the client for that application SHOULD use the well-known URI path
>>>>    suffix "openid-configuration" and publish the metadata document at
>>>>    the path formed by concatenating "/.well-known/openid-configuration"
>>>>    to the authorization server's issuer identifier.  As described in
>>>>    Section 5 
>>>> <>, 
>>>> despite the identifier
>>>>    "/.well-known/openid-configuration", appearing to be OpenID-specific,
>>>>    its usage in this specification is actually referring to a general
>>>>    OAuth 2.0 feature that is not specific to OpenID Connect.
>>>> Further, as a default “openid-configuration” as the default further gives 
>>>> people the impression that a plain OAuth server *is* an authentication 
>>>> server and that the normal access token received is evidence of a 
>>>> successful authentication.
>>>> It would be better to point out that application may include oauth 
>>>> discovery in their discovery URI and that OAuth is an example of this. It 
>>>> might be good to include two examples.  E.g. OIDC and SCIM (as another 
>>>> referenceable example).
>>>>  GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
>>>> and
>>>>  GET /.well-known/scim
>>>> Retrieve the OAuth configuration for the application openid and scim 
>>>> respectively.
>>>> The use of:
>>>>  GET /.well-known/oauth2/
>>>> Should be the default used when there is no known application based 
>>>> well-known application based URI discovery.
>>>> Of course, the concern I raised earlier is that this approach of 
>>>> application specific URIs ends up requiring every application to make an 
>>>> IANA registration if they don’t want to use the default of “oauth2” (or 
>>>> “openid-configuration”).  Is that what the authors expect?
>>>> It seemed better to me to use the webfinger syntax to allow the client to 
>>>> say “I want the designated OAuth configuration for the resource service X” 
>>>> would be a better design that avoids extensive IANA registration.
>>>> Phil
>>>> @independentid
>>>> <> 
>>>> <>
>>>>> On Feb 17, 2016, at 11:48 PM, Mike Jones < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> In response to working group input, this version of the OAuth Discovery 
>>>>> specification has been pared down to its essence – leaving only the 
>>>>> features that are already widely deployed.  Specifically, all that 
>>>>> remains is the definition of the authorization server discovery metadata 
>>>>> document and the metadata values used in it.  The WebFinger discovery 
>>>>> logic has been removed.  The relationship between the issuer identifier 
>>>>> URL and the well-known URI path relative to it at which the discovery 
>>>>> metadata document is located has also been clarified.
>>>>> Given that this now describes only features that are in widespread 
>>>>> deployment, the editors believe that this version is ready for working 
>>>>> group last call.
>>>>> The specification is available at:
>>>>> · 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> An HTML-formatted version is also available at:
>>>>> · 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>                                                           -- Mike & Nat & 
>>>>> John
>>>>> P.S.  This notice was also posted at 
>>>>> <> and as @selfissued 
>>>>> <>.
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