On 02/07/2016 06:24 PM, Samuel Erdtman wrote:
But I think there is some compelling properties of having a symmetric
PoP key and a Raw Public Key (D)TLS. In this case the Public key of the
RS can be distributed to the client in the client information (the
attributes accompanying the token) from AS and the PoP key as defined by
PoP key distribution draft. With this setup the client can authenticate
the server at connection time and then it can send its PoP token to
authorization information endpoint/resource at the RS (defined in
draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz as an alternative to the HTTP Authorization
header) to authorize the client.

In this case you need to perform an additional proof-of-possession step. 
Worse, we have to define a new protocol for this.
@OAuth: It is not really clear to me from reading the PoP drafts, what 
the acceptable proof-of-possession methods are. Is this some work that 
the WG is planning to do?

Ludwig Seitz, PhD
Ideon Science Park
Building Beta 2
Scheelevägen 17
SE-223 70 Lund

Phone +46(0)70 349 9251

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