That’s how we’ve implemented it, but I’ve seen others pass the JWS for the 
token directly using the assertion grant type. Personally I find that a little 
confusing, since it’s still the client making the swap, but maybe there’s 
something useful there anyway. It honestly feels a bit too much like WS-*, and 
one can hope that we’ve learned from the mistakes of the past by now.

I think the difference may be who makes the JWS. If the client is making the 
JWS and using it to swap for a new token, then that’s a case for using client 
credentials and authenticating using the JWS. If the JWS is coming from a third 
party and being handed to the client, and the client’s using that as-is to swap 
for a new token, then that’s a case of using the JWS as an assertion directly 
to the AS and getting a token there. 

But I agree that it’s confusing that there are two similar mechanisms here.

 — Justin

> On Sep 15, 2015, at 2:09 PM, George Fletcher <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just want to verify my reading of RFC 7523[1] for the use case where a 
> client wants to get an access token for itself to use as authorization for 
> future API calls. This is effectively exchanging a JWS for a "short lived" 
> access token.
> My understanding of section 2.2 of RFC 7523, is that the 
> 'client_assertion_type' and 'client_assertion' replace the default [OAuth2 
> (RFC 6749)] client authentication mechanism of client_id and client_secret.
> Therefore the correct way to implement this 2 legged flow is to use the 
> OAuth2 (RFC 6749) client_credentials grant_type (Section 4.4) with the JWT 
> Bearer defined client_assertion_type and client_assertion.
> This would look something like (line breaks added for readability)
> POST /token HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> grant_type=client_credentials&
> client_assertion_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer&
> client_assertion=<encoded JWS>&
> scope="myscopes"
> Is there a different industry standard for this use case? I'm checking as I 
> find that multiple AS implementations do this differently:)
> Thanks,
> George
> [1] <>
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