Right. I wrote “pseudo-authentication” because it does not qualify as 

In another word, I am saying “DO NOT DO IT.”



Nat Sakimura < <mailto:n-sakim...@nri.co.jp> n-sakim...@nri.co.jp>

Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 



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From: OAuth [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of John Bradley
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:08 AM
To: Donghwan Kim <flowersinthes...@gmail.com>
Cc: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Lifetime of refresh token


I think Nat’s diagram about the problems of doing pseudo authentication with 
OAuth is being taken out of context.


The refresh token dosen’t expire, it is revoked by the user or system.  In some 
cases refresh tokens are automatically revoked if the users session to the AS 
ends.  I think AOL typically revokes refresh tokens when sessions terminate.


OpenID Connect provides a separate id_token with a independent lifetime from 
the refresh token.  A client may keep a refresh token for a much longer time 
than the user has a login session with the AS.


Refresh tokens are typically used by confidential clients that are using a 
client secret in combination with the refresh token for getting a new access 


By design access tokens should be short lived as the AS is expected to have a 
way of revoking refresh tokens but not access tokens.

A access token that dosen't expire , and can’t be revoked is not a good idea.


John B.



On Aug 24, 2015, at 2:41 AM, Donghwan Kim <flowersinthes...@gmail.com 
<mailto:flowersinthes...@gmail.com> > wrote:




According to Figure 2 from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-1.5, 
refresh token can be used to refresh an expired access token without requesting 
resource owner to sign in again (uncomfortable experience). However, if it's 
true, isn't it that refresh token might be used to request a new access token 
even years later? and then isn't refresh token the same with access token which 
never expires?


I intended to use refresh token to implement persistent login by sending a 
refresh request before issued access token expires (expires_in runs out). But 
if refresh token works even if access token expired already, sending a refresh 
request on application start up would be enough.


So I'm not sure what I'm missing about refresh token as well as how to 
implement persistent login using it (you can regard authentication here 
pseudo-authentication illustrated in 
 What is the lifetime of refresh token?




-- Donghwan

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