You don’t have to encode the parameters into the state parameter, just have 
them be referenceable *from* the state parameter, so it’s complexity doesn’t 
change. What I’ve seen done in several implementations (including our own) is 
that you generate a random State value, then save that into the session, along 
with any other stateful information like an ultimate target URI or other 
parameters. When the request comes back, I look back inside the session object 
to see if the state value matches what I’d stored earlier. If so, I can get out 
all the rest of the stuff that we stored before the auth request.

 — Justin

> On May 20, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Bill Burke <> wrote:
> On 5/20/2015 1:37 PM, David Waite wrote:
>>> On May 16, 2015, at 1:43 AM, Patrick Gansterer <> wrote:
>>> "OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol” [1] is nearly finished and 
>>> provides the possibility to register additional “Client Metadata”.
>>> OAuth 2.0 does not define any matching algorithm for the redirect_uris. The 
>>> latest information on that topic I could find is [1], which is 5 years old. 
>>> Is there any more recent discussion about it?
>>> I’d suggest to add an OPTIONAL “redirect_uris_matching_method” client 
>>> metadata. Possible valid values could be:
>>> * “exact”: The “redirect_uri" provided in a redirect-based flow must match 
>>> exactly one of of the provided strings in the “redirect_uris” array.
>>> * “prefix”: The "redirect_uri" must begin with one of the “redirect_uris”. 
>>> (e.g. "” would be valid with 
>>> [““, “”])
>>> * “regex”: The provided “redirect_uris” are threatened as regular 
>>> expressions, which the “redirect_uri” will be matched against. (e.g. 
>>> ““ would be valid with 
>>> [“^http:\\/\\/[a-z]+\\.example\\.com\\/path\\d+\\/“]
>> I don’t know if this is appropriate. For example, If a server is unwilling 
>> to support arbitrary regex matching, how would a client which required this 
>> be able to register dynamically? Or conversely: if a client did not require 
>> regex matching, why would they request this from a server?
>> If a client requests regex or prefix, it was built to rely on these to work. 
>> If some set of servers choose not to support regex or prefix for scope or 
>> security reasons, this hurts interoperability from the perspective of 
>> dynamic registration. And we already have a workaround - instead make your 
>> client rely on the state parameter.
>> A client doing code or implicit should specify exact return URLs in their 
>> registration, and if they need to send the user someplace else after 
>> authentication it should be represented to the client by their state param.
> Nice workaround, but you are then making the client more difficult to 
> implement and the state param larger and more complex.  prefix matching seems 
> like it would be a very common thing that an auth server supports and clients 
> would want to have.
> --
> Bill Burke
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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