On 24/04/15 13:28, Justin Richer wrote:
> It can get as bad as the web, which is pretty bad, but I hope we don't
> have to point that out in great detail in every RFC that deals with the
> web. :) I think the drive-by-download malware example is a good one, and
> we could add another concrete one if you've got an idea, but I think the
> advice we have is sound and actionable and we should avoid having this
> spec be a catalogue of "bad things what can happen on the web". If there
> is such a reference, I'm happy to point to it!

That's fair. I'm not aware of a really good reference tbh. I
wonder is there any relevant bits in the OAuth threat analysis?
(I've not looked.) Or just a pointer to some well known
incident might help.

But this is a non-blocking comment, so you should feel entirely
free to handle it as you think best.


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