I'm not sure what article you're referring to, but feel free to add the
article and send a pull request to oauth.net:


Here's an example of the PR for the Authentication article that Justin
added: https://github.com/aaronpk/oauth.net/pull/81

Aaron Parecki

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 1:43 PM Mike Jones <michael.jo...@microsoft.com>

> This warning is already in place in https://tools.ietf.org/html/
> draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32#section-7.2.  It says:
>    Finally, note that it is an application decision which algorithms may
>    be used in a given context.  Even if a JWT can be successfully
>    validated, unless the algorithm(s) used in the JWT are acceptable to
>    the application, it SHOULD reject the JWT.
>                                 -- Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OAuth [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Hannes Tschofenig
> Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:28 AM
> To: Tim McLean
> Cc: oauth@ietf.org; j...@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] [jose] Security research on JWT implementations
> [[adding oauth@ietf.org]]
> On 04/02/2015 08:01 PM, Tim McLean wrote:
> > However, I do think one way of gauging the success of JWS/JOSE is to
> > measure how many implementers actually get the security details right.
> I agree with you.
> If several people got this wrong then it is a good idea to write about it.
> Of course, it was a bit difficult to foresee this issue at the time of
> writing the specification.
> At a minimum we should put a version of your article at oauth.net.
> Since the JWT spec (which you reference in your article) is still in
> Auth48 state we can still add a warning remark to Section 7.2 of
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-32.
> Ciao
> Hannes
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