There's similar wording in sec 3.3
too that seems to suggest that the presenter is the one that makes the

I think the presenter confirms the claim when it presents. It's the issuer
that makes/asserts/declares the claim. No?

   this case, the presenter of a JWT declares that it possesses a
   particular key and that the recipient can cryptographically confirm
   proof-of-possession of the key by the presenter by including a "cnf"
   (confirmation) claim in the JWT whose value is a JSON object, with
   the JSON object containing a "kid" (key ID) member identifying the

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Brian Campbell <>

> My brain hurt trying to parse the first sentence/paragraph from section 3
> <>:
>    "The presenter of a JWT declares that it possesses a particular key
>    and that the recipient can cryptographically confirm proof-of-
>    possession of the key by the presenter by including a "cnf"
>    (confirmation) claim in the JWT whose value is a JSON object, with
>    the JSON object containing a "jwk" (JSON Web Key) or "kid" (key ID)
>    member identifying the key."
> The issuer includes the "cnf" claim and makes the declaration not the
> presenter. Sure, the presenter may be the issuer but that's a special case.
> Isn't it more accurate to say that it is the issuer who declares that the
> presenter can confirm itself by some cryptographic proof-of-possession of
> the key identified by the "cnf" claim? Or something more like that...
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