Yep, my mistake. Apologies for the spam (including this apology email).




From: John Bradley [] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 8:21 AM
To: Brock Allen
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] session status change notification questions


If you are talking about this spec,  then the correct list 
for questions is the openid Connect one at


Session management is not currently a OAuth WG document.


John B.


On Jan 12, 2015, at 10:11 AM, Brock Allen < 
<> > wrote:


A couple of questions about the session management spec related to the status 
change notifications (section 4): 


1) Is there a working reference implementation of the JavaScript that goes with 
the current draft of the spec?



2) For the statement from section 4.2: “The OP iframe MUST enforce that the 
caller has the same origin as its parent frame.” I’m uncertain how to do this 
in the OP iframe, given that it seems to be a cross-origin security concern to 
ascertain the origin of the parent window. I don’t think ‘referrer’ is the most 
reliable approach.



3) The spec states that the OP iframe and the RP iframe should be both 
contained within the main RP window (so the iframes are siblings). Is there a 
reason the RP iframe can’t contain the OP iframe?


If it can, then this would address my question #2 above, as the source.window 
(on the message event args) can be compared to the parent.window to ensure that 
only the parent is sending the messages.







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