Hi Phil,

Good points that need discussing but I'd suggest we give the new
list a few days to allow folks to subscribe and then have that


On 06/12/14 16:08, Phil Hunt wrote:
> On the surface (as currently presented) this work appears to duplicate the 
> POP work going on in OAuth.  The key difference is that this work is focused 
> on using ALPN to bind tokens to the TLS channel. From a use case perspective 
> it is very close to OAuth POP, and a specific use case of the current OAuth 
> POP (proof of possession) architecture.
> I note that the OAuth WG had originally dropped TLS binding in part because 
> TLS was not always end-to-end in cases where load-balancers where used. The 
> identified use-cases required end-to-end proof of possession (e.g. to prevent 
> token re-use and relaying).
> Never-the-less, events and approaches change and this is worth discussing 
> (again).  
> I think the architectural/protocol issues around the use of load balancers 
> have to be discussed as the current ALPN proposal may be unbearable for many. 
> Phil
> @independentid
> www.independentid.com
> phil.h...@oracle.com
>> On Dec 5, 2014, at 8:43 AM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> 
>> wrote:
>> Hiya,
>> Following up on the presentation at IETF-91 on this topic, [1]
>> we've created a new list [2] for moving that along. The list
>> description is:
>> "This list is for discussion of proposals for doing better than bearer
>> tokens (e.g. HTTP cookies, OAuth tokens etc.) for web applications.
>> The specific goal is chartering a WG focused on preventing security
>> token export and replay attacks."
>> If you're interested please join in.
>> Thanks to Vinod and Andrei for agreeing to admin the list.
>> We'll kick off discussion in a few days when folks have had
>> a chance to subscribe.
>> Cheers,
>> S.
>> PS: Please don't reply-all to this, join the new list, wait
>> a few days and then say what you need to say:-)
>> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/agenda/91/slides/slides-91-uta-2.pdf
>> [2] https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/unbearable
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