Yeah I think that's fair (though regrettable:-). Will look at it
before the meeting.


On 12/11/14 00:03, Mike Jones wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> Your DISCUSS on "alg":"none" being MTI is the only one remaining on the JWT 
> draft.  Given the working group support for keeping things the way they are, 
> would you be willing to clear this DISCUSS on that basis?  The OAuth WG 
> meeting is tomorrow, so it would be good to hear your thoughts before then, 
> if possible.
>                               Thanks,
>                               -- Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Mike Jones
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 8:33 PM
> To: 'Stephen Farrell'; The IESG
> Cc:; 
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on 
> draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-27: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
> Hi Stephen,
> I applied your privacy wording to the -30 draft.  Thanks.
> About your DISCUSS on "alg":"none" being MTI, several working group members 
> have chimed in agreeing that it should continue to be MTI, and said why.  In 
> summary - unsigned security tokens representing claims are really common in 
> identity protocols; interop will be improved if this functionality is MTI.  
> Can I therefore ask you hold your nose a little bit more and clear this 
> remaining DISCUSS?
>                               Thanks again,
>                               -- Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Farrell [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:17 AM
> To: Mike Jones; The IESG
> Cc:; 
> Subject: Re: Stephen Farrell's Discuss on draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-27: 
> (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
> Hi Mike,
> I've one remaining discuss point and a comment. See below...
> On 14/10/14 13:50, Mike Jones wrote:
>> The proposed resolutions below have been included in the -28 draft.  
>> Hopefully you'll be able to clear your DISCUSSes on that basis.
>> The String Comparison Rules in Section 7.3 have been expanded to talk about 
>> when the application may need canonicalization rules.
>>                              Thanks again,
>>                              -- Mike
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Mike Jones
>>> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 7:20 PM
>>> To: Stephen Farrell; The IESG
>>> Cc:; draft-ietf-oauth-json-web- 
>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on 
>>> draft-ietf-oauth-json-
>>> web-token-27: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
>>> Thanks for tracking all of this Stephen.  Responses inline below...
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Stephen Farrell []
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 2:43 PM
>>>> To: Mike Jones; The IESG
>>>> Cc:; draft-ietf-oauth-json-web- 
>>>> Subject: Re: Stephen Farrell's Discuss on 
>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-27:
>>>> (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> On 06/10/14 08:54, Mike Jones wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for your review, Stephen.  I've added the working group to 
>>>>> the thread so they're aware of your comments.
>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Stephen Farrell 
>>>>>> [] Sent: Thursday, October 02, 
>>>>>> 2014
>>>>>> 5:03 AM To: The IESG Cc:;
>>>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-json-web- Subject: Stephen 
>>>>>> Farrell's Discuss on draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-27: (with 
>>>>>> Stephen Farrell has entered the following ballot position for
>>>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-27: Discuss
>>>>>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to 
>>>>>> all email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to 
>>>>>> cut this introductory paragraph, however.)
>>>>>> Please refer to
>>>>>> for more 
>>>>>> information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>>>>>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found
>>>>>> here:
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> -
>>>> (1) 4.1.1 and elsewhere you say case-sensitive: the same thing I 
>>>> raised wrt DNS
>>>>>> names for another JOSE spec - do you need to say those SHOULD be 
>>>>>> [upper|lower]cased when used in these?
>>>>> I believe that somewhere we should say that if case-insensitive 
>>>>> values, such as DNS names, are used when constructing "kid" values, 
>>>>> that the application doing so needs to define a convention on the 
>>>>> canonical case to use for the case-insensitive portions, such as 
>>>>> lowercasing them.
>>>> As that discussion's happening on the key draft, I'll clear it here 
>>>> and trust you to fix if a change is the end result.
>>> Thanks
> np
>>>>>> (2) Section 8: Why is "none" MTI? That seems both broken and going 
>>>>>> in the oppostite direction from other WGs and so should be 
>>>>>> explicitly jusified I think. (If a good enough justification 
>>>>>> exists that is.)
>>>>> It is MTI because there are several existing applications of JWTs 
>>>>> in which both unsigned and signed representations of the JWTs are 
>>>>> requirements.  These include draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange, 
>>>>> draft-hunt-oauth-v2-user-a4c, and OpenID Connect.  This is a pretty 
>>>>> common pattern where you sign something if the recipient cares who 
>>>>> made the statements and where you don't have to sign it either if 
>>>>> the recipient doesn't care who made the statements
>>>> I don't see how (non-)signers can divine non-verifier's wishes that 
>>>> way. (Absent negotiation or a directory.)
>>> Sometimes it does occur via negotiation.  For instance, in some 
>>> protocols, at registration time, relying parties explicitly tell 
>>> identity providers what algorithms are acceptable to them, which may 
>>> include "none".  No divination - explicit communication.
>>>>> or if it can tell from
>>>>> another secured aspect of the application protocol (typically 
>>>>> through the use of TLS) who made the statements.  In the TLS case, 
>>>>> the server authentication step makes a signature step unnecessary, 
>>>>> so an Unsecured JWT is fine there.
>>>> That's arguable IMO.
>>> I agree that it's application and context-dependent whether it's OK 
>>> or not.  The point is that there exist some circumstances in which it 
>>> is OK, and this feature is being used in some of those cases.
>>>> I think I'll look back over the wg thread and either hold my nose or
>>> This issue was tracked as
>>> Karen O'Donoghue recorded this conclusion in the tracker "Note: There 
>>> was extensive discussion on the mailing list, and the rough  
>>> consensus of the working group was to leave "none" in the document."
>>> Discussion threads on this topic include:
>>> [jose] #36: Algorithm "none" should be removed 
>>> archive/web/jose/current/msg02911.html - 
>>> Began Jul 31, 2013  (91 messages) [jose] Text about applications and 
>>> "alg":"none" 
>>> archive/web/jose/current/msg03321.html - Began Sep 3, 2013 (5 
>>> messages)
>>> This issue was a topic of a special working group call on Aug 19, 
>>> 2013.  The text discussed in the last thread and published at 
>>> ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-33#section-8.5 (Unsecured JWS Security
>>> Considerations) was the result of the working group's decisions 
>>> resulting from all of this discussion.
> Thanks for all the pointers above. I read through all the (many!) Aug 19 
> mails and most of the `"none" should be removed" thread.
> So I do see that there was rough consensus to keep "none" in the draft and 
> can (with difficulty;-) hold my nose and let that pass. I do not however, see 
> that there was consensus to make "none" MTI for this draft. I did see a bit 
> of haggling about this draft vs. JWS but still do not see why none ought be 
> MTI here.
>>>>>> (3) Section 12: another way to handle privacy is to not include 
>>>>>> sensitive data - I think you ought mention that as a bit of 
>>>>>> thought along those lines can be much simpler than putting in 
>>>>>> place the key management to handle thoughtlessly included PII.
>>>>> We can include a discussion of that point,
>>>> Great. "Just say no" is workable here:-) I'll clear when we get such text.
>>>>> but sometimes the very
>>>>> point of a JWT is to securely deliver PII from a verifiable party 
>>>>> to an intended party with appropriate rights to receive it.
>>>> Hmm. Its a moot point (so let's not argue it) but I wonder how often 
>>>> PII is really needed for authorization with oauth. My guess would be 
>>>> that its needed far less often than its found to be profitable 
>>>> perhaps, or that carelessness plays a big role in using PII for such 
>>>> purposes.
> I've cleared on this as you added this text:
>   "Of course, including       
>    only necessary privacy-sensitive information in a JWT is the most  
>    basic means of minimizing any potential privacy issues."
> That seems to me like a fairly offputting way to phrase it. I'd suggest 
> instead:
>   "Omitting privacy-sensitive information from a JWT is the
>   simplest way of minimizing privacy issues."
> Cheers,
> S.
> PS: I didn't check the comments.
>>>> S.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> -
>>>> - abstract: 2nd sentence isn't needed here, in intro would be fine.
>>>>> I don't know - I think it's a big deal that the claims can be 
>>>>> digitally signed or MACed and/or encrypted.  That's the reason we 
>>>>> have JWTs, rather than just JSON.
>>>>>> - 4.1.7: maybe worth adding that jti+iss being unique enough is 
>>>>>> not sufficient and jti alone has to meet that need. In X.509 the 
>>>>>> issuer/serial has the equivalent property so someone might assume 
>>>>>> sequential jti values starting at 0 are ok.
>>>>> Makes sense to add a warning of some kind along these lines.  I 
>>>>> think I know the reasons you say that, but can you expand on that 
>>>>> thought a bit before I take a stab on writing this up?  For 
>>>>> instance, while normally true, I don't think your observation is 
>>>>> true if a relying party will only accept tokens from a single issuer.
>>>>>> - section 6: yuk
>>>>>> - again I think the secdir comments are being handled by Kathleen 
>>>>>> and the authors.
>>>>> Again, this is there because multiple applications asked for the 
>>>>> ability to represent content that is optionally signed, sometimes 
>>>>> securing it another way, such as with TLS.  JWTs are used specific 
>>>>> application protocol contexts - not in isolation.
>>>>> Thanks again, -- Mike
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