In his mail, Mike asked whether code verifier is 
a value that is sendable without trnasformation 
as a http parameter value, or if it needs to be 
% encoded when it is being sent. 

We have several options here: 

1) Require that the code verifier to be a base64url encoded string of a binary 
random value.

2) Let code verifier to be a binary string and require it to be 
either % encoded or base64url encoded when it is sent.
In this case, which encoding should we use?  

3) require the code verifier to be conform to the following ABNF:
code_verifier = 16*128unreserved
unreserved    = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" 

Which one do you guys prefer? 


Nat Sakimura (
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 

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