Yes for me as well
On 7/28/14, 1:33 PM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
Hi all,
during the IETF #90 OAuth WG meeting, there was strong consensus in
adopting the " Request by JWS ver.1.0 for OAuth 2.0"
(draft-sakimura-oauth-requrl-05.txt) specification as an OAuth WG work
We would now like to verify the outcome of this call for adoption on the
OAuth WG mailing list. Here is the link to the document:
If you did not hum at the IETF 90 OAuth WG meeting, and have an opinion
as to the suitability of adopting this document as a WG work item,
please send mail to the OAuth WG list indicating your opinion (Yes/No).
The confirmation call for adoption will last until August 10, 2014. If
you have issues/edits/comments on the document, please send these
comments along to the list in your response to this Call for Adoption.
Hannes & Derek
OAuth mailing list
George Fletcher <>
OAuth mailing list