Thank you very much. It is the specification for token_type=bearer
but really useful. I'm ashamed of having forgotten the content of
RFC 6750 although I had read it once before.

Best Regards,
Takahiko Kawasaki

2014-07-30 21:23 GMT+09:00 Brian Campbell <>:
> Take a look at RFC 6750 "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer
> Token Usage" - particularly section 3:
> which describes using the
> "WWW-Authenticate" response header field in response to a request with
> an invalid/insufficient/missing/etc token.
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Takahiko Kawasaki <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a question. Is there any standardized specification about
>> error responses from protected resource endpoints?
>> "RFC 6749, 7.2. Error Response" says "the specifics of such error
>> responses are beyond the scope of this specification", but I'm
>> wondering if OAuth WG has done something for that.
>> >From error responses, I'd like to know information about:
>>   (1) Usability (active or expired? (or not exist?))
>>   (2) Refreshability (associated usable refresh token exists?)
>>   (3) Sufficiency (usable but lacking necessary permissions?)
>> For example, I'm expecting an error response like below with
>> "400 Bad Request" or "403 Forbidden".
>>   {
>>     "error":"...",
>>     "error_description":"...",
>>     "error_uri":"...",
>>     "usable": true,
>>     "refreshable": true,
>>     "sufficient": false
>>   }
>> Best Regards,
>> Takahiko Kawasaki
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