Does this need to be in the spec?  I believe we’ve already said that others can 
add attributes as they need.



On Jul 8, 2014, at 11:56 AM, John Bradley <> wrote:

> The application_type is collected as part of current registration by Google 
> and some other OAuth providers as part of registering redirect uri.
> The text was cut down to allow more flexibility in OAuth.  Connect requires 
> registration of redirect_uri and is more ridged about it than OAuth 2.
> Do you think the Connect wording would be appropriate for OAuth?
> John B.
> On Jul 8, 2014, at 9:22 AM, Hannes Tschofenig <> 
> wrote:
>> This additional information makes a lot of sense.
>> As you said in an earlier mail, the attempt to copy text from the OpenID
>> Connect spec failed a bit...
>> On 07/08/2014 02:49 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
>>> I suppose authors has imported one of the security feature of OpenID
>>> Connect here as well. In the Dynamic Client Registration standard, which
>>> is a bit longer than IETF version. You can see the reason from it: 
>>> application_type
>>>   OPTIONAL. Kind of the application. The default, if omitted, is web.
>>>   The defined values are native or web. Web Clients using the OAuth
>>>   Implicit Grant Type MUST only register URLs using the https scheme
>>>   as redirect_uris; they MUST NOT use localhost as the hostname.
>>>   Native Clients MUST only register redirect_uris using custom URI
>>>   schemes or URLs using the http: scheme with localhost as the
>>>   hostname. Authorization Servers MAY place additional constraints on
>>>   Native Clients. Authorization Servers MAY reject Redirection URI
>>>   values using the http scheme, other than the localhost case for
>>>   Native Clients. The Authorization Server MUST verify that all the
>>>   registered redirect_uris conform to these constraints. This prevents
>>>   sharing a Client ID across different types of Clients.
>>> Regards, 
>>> Nat
>>> 2014-07-08 21:17 GMT+09:00 Hannes Tschofenig <
>>> <>>:
>>>   Hi all,
>>>   with version -18 you guys have added a new meta-data attribute, namely
>>>   application_type.
>>>   First, this new attribute is not listed in the IANA consideration
>>>   section.
>>>   Second, could you provide a bit of motivation why you need it? What
>>>   would the authorization server do with that type of information? The
>>>   description is rather short.
>>>   IMHO there is also no clear boundary between a "native" and "web" app.
>>>   Just think about smart phone apps that are developed using JavaScript.
>>>   Would this be a web app or a native app?
>>>   Here is the definition from the draft:
>>>   application_type
>>>         OPTIONAL.  Kind of the application.  The default, if omitted, is
>>>         "web".  The defined values are "native" or "web".
>>>   Ciao
>>>   Hannes
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>>> -- 
>>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
>>> @_nat_en
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