
Thanks John. 


> On Jun 13, 2014, at 12:11, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
> Subsequent to this email Phil and I have talked.
> There are two things that are deltas to connect in the spec.
> One is the ability to issue only a id_token from the token endpoint.
> The code grant_type requires a access token in the response.   If the WG 
> wants to define a new grant type that doesn't return a access or refresh 
> token that would be fine and it could be used with Connect as other grant 
> types are.    The current use of a response_type in a4c to signal only 
> returning a id_token and reusing the "code" grant type is a problem.
> I think Mike J.  will be able to do an update with that shortly.
> Phil is correct that Connect doesn't currently support that OAuth grant type 
> because it has not been defined yet.  Not because you must provide claims at 
> the token endpoint.
> Connect supports the "id_token" and "none" response types nether of which 
> provide access tokens.
> For example a authn request with a scope of "openid" and a response_type of 
> code will return a id_token and a access token for a user_info endpoint.   
> However the user_info endpoint will only only contain a claim for the "sub" 
> that matches the "sub" in the id_token and not any photos of relatives, 
> unless the IdP is horribly broken.
> We need to balance returning a access token that may be discarded by the 
> client that gives access to no PII vs adding a new grant_type.   
> I think that would be a useful discussion that could feed back to Connect or 
> a4c.
> The other difference has to do with the use of authentication context and 
> wanting to send a single value on a predefined scale vs an ordered list by 
> preference.
> This has been debated many times and many places.   The Connect approach 
> recognizes that authentication contexts are not necessarily scalar.  
> In SAML we do have the constructs of better than etc.  I think these are 
> implemented and used almost nowhere.   
> The Liberty/Kantara conformance testing only ever tested exact match.    So 
> Connect did something similar to the option that is used in SAML.
> I don't know that adding another way to ask for authentication context is 
> helping the world.
> This is perhaps a useful discussion, also independent of the specs though it 
> may want informing from people at OASIS/Kantara who are not normally part of 
> OAuth discussions.
> I remain concerned that if we do a small core authentication spec in the 
> OAuth WG that may start being compatible with Connect that opens the door to 
> extensions down the road that may not be as people inevitably discover that 
> there is more to life than the code flow.
> I prefer to profile down Connect and support a new response type if that is 
> desired rather than adding eventual confusion and incompatibility.
> The main question for the work group at this point is if we want to change 
> our charter to include authentication.   
> If we do then a4c and other authentication related drafts can come into the 
> WG.
> At this point a4c is a independent draft.  
> I am in favour of having a concise draft for basic identity providers, doing 
> simple SSO. 
> Connect has a Basic Client profile for people developing clients/RP/SP as 
> there tend to be more of them than IdP.
> The same thing can be done in the Connect WG as a Basic IdP profile.  
> Going to far into debating the finer points of a4c is probably premature, 
> until after a charter decision is reached.
> Regards
> John B.
>> On Jun 13, 2014, at 1:10 PM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> I am going to address a few comments all together here:
>> 1. John Bradley confirmed again yesterday, OIDC does not allow for 
>> authentication only as part of the normal code flow and decided 
>> intentionally not to address it.  So to say OIDC has a solution is confusing.
>> OIDC has the solution if you want to propagate profile information and 
>> authen information.  This means service providers have to implement much 
>> more code, and clients have to as well. For many there are customer 
>> abandonment and legal issues around sharing of too much PII information. 
>> They DO NOT want to have to ask for this information.
>> 2. Regarding speculative future size: I  point out that the A4C draft is 
>> modelled exactly on the authorizaiton flow and has exactly the same security 
>> model. Therefore I would not expect any large increase in size, but rather 
>> the opposite. The number 1 challenge with this spec is not figuring out how 
>> to do this, but how to avoid scope creep into OIDC’s coverage.  I do NOT 
>> support scope creep into OIDC.  
>> We need a specific draft that addresses the issues of developers thinking 
>> 6749 is sufficient on its own.  I do NOT want to see stuff like browser 
>> based apps and node.js as in scope. OIDC has this covered.
>> 3. My point with the 18 wheeler analogy is that yes, it is a vehicle that 
>> can take passengers, but it’s role is much more multi-purpose and heavy 
>> duty. For the developer that wants to securely take the kids to school, 
>> maybe just a Tesla Model S will do? This is less of a technical issue and 
>> more of a “market” issue. I know that’s hard for people like us to address, 
>> but it is a comment I keep hearing over and over (and not interestingly from 
>> Oracle itself).
>> 4. As for confusion between OAuth’s intended authorization and a so called 
>> new authen function. This is the issue I’m trying to get on our agenda. This 
>> isn’t my idea, I am only the messenger. The fact is, developers and service 
>> providers who are not OAuth experts assume OAuth is about authentication and 
>> implement as such.  To some extent, this is  a market problem. Still, OIDC 
>> has not addressed the scenario. As John stated, OIDC choose not to do authen 
>> only.  
>> 5. As for whether we “tack-on” authen to OAuth as OIDC does or whether we 
>> create a brand new endpoint or flow. I think that is open for discussion 
>> once the charter is adopted.  A4C is just an input draft - not the way the 
>> group needs to solve it.  A4C is intended to show the problem is solvable in 
>> a reasonably implementable manner.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> www.independentid.com
>> phil.h...@oracle.com
>>> On Jun 13, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Bill Burke <bbu...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On 6/12/2014 4:18 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>>>> Phil
>>>>> On Jun 12, 2014, at 12:50, Bill Burke <bbu...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/12/2014 12:49 PM, Prateek Mishra wrote:
>>>>>> The OpenID Connect 2.0 COre specification alone is 86 pages. It has
>>>>>> received review from maybe a dozen engineers within the OpenID community.
>>>>> The OpenID Connect spec is 86 pages because it pretty much rehashes the 
>>>>> OAuth2 spec walking through each flow and how Open ID Connect expands on 
>>>>> that flow.  A4c looks like a subset of this work minus some additional 
>>>>> claims and, IMO, is incomplete compared to OIDC.
>>>> In what regards?
>>>> Much of oidc is out of scope for this requirement.
>>> What is in a4c that isn't already in OIDC?
>>>> It is a bit like saying an 18 wheeler is suitable for driving the kids to 
>>>> school. :-)
>>> I don't think this is true.  Most oidc oauth extensions are optional with 
>>> the sole requirement that providers don't barf if you send them.
>>> -- 
>>> Bill Burke
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>> http://bill.burkecentral.com
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